The Originals 2.04 “Live and Let Die” Recap {{SPOILERS}}


So, the epic family dinner from Hell ended with Cassther becoming just Cassie, and Lenore becoming Lenorsther.  Just a little body-jumping going on for the deceased (and incredibly pesky) Momma Original, and a little vampire-training going on for Gia with… Continue Reading


The Originals 2.02 “Alive & Kicking” Recap! {{SPOILERS}}


So, have you gotten yourself together again since last week’s episode full of missing-Rebekah feels, Haylijah feels, and awesome violence?  If, by some miracle, you missed season 2’s premiere “Rebirth,” check out my recap here. Elijah launches us into episode… Continue Reading


The Originals 2.01 “Rebirth” Recap!! {{SPOILERS}}


You’ve seen all the previews, you’ve picked apart the character portraits (click for Klaus’s, Elijah’s, Cami’s, Davina’s, Hayley’s, and Marcel’s), and now its time for the new season!!!  (And, really, what is up with that naked cat?!) Are you ready?!! Buckle up, because HERE… Continue Reading


The Originals Secrets from the Quarter: Episode 1.22 “From a Cradle to a Grave”


*SPOILER ALERT* Check out the final Secrets from the Quarter, recapping last night’s season finale of The Originals. Steven Krueger, Michael Narducci and Julie Plec discuss and tease the next season including Esther’s agenda.