Top #Originals Snark from 4.05 “I Hear You Knocking”

This week wasn’t as heavy on the snark as some episodes this season have been, maybe because we are getting down to what The Hollow really wants. But there were still some good lines.

Here are my favorites.

Keelin: And then we started drinking tequila like water. So how am I borderline comatose, and you’re Little Miss Sunshine?

Freya: Because of this. Hangover cure. 1,000 years old.

I like this exchange between Marcel and Hollow Elijah, mostly for the Shakespeare . . . and who can resist Shakespeare in Elijah’s accent, Hollow Elijah or not?

Marcel: Elijah, what are you doing here? Did you not learn your lesson the last time I put you down?

Elijah: Does this bravado help to relieve your pathetic fear?

Marcel: Oh, you think I’m afraid of you?

Elijah: Terrified.

Marcel: I’ve put you down twice before, maybe third time’s the charm?

Elijah: The spirit I have seen may be The Devil, and The Devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape.

Do you not recall your Shakespeare, Marcellus? The ghost which appeared to Hamlet, and then, of course, unrelenting tragedy.

Marcel: You’re not Elijah.

And here’s that snark we’ve been waiting for!

Freya: Tell me again, what happened at this ritual.

Klaus: I fought evil and I saved children. I should be given a medal, instead I’ve been infected by some depraved ghost.



Freya is soooooo the bratty little sister sometimes, and I wouldn’t change her for the world.

Freya: If Marcel comes after you, use this. What, mad I kept a secret from you? Fine. Chastise me once you’ve made it through the day.

And then there is the mental image we all got from this exchange between Hayley and Elijah . . . and we REALLY want to see him in those jean shorts and flip flops!!!!

Elijah: You know, we could be happy out here.

Hayley: Think you might stand out in that suit.

Elijah: Well, I was thinking jean shorts and flip flops.

Mary: I didn’t know you were bringing him.
Hayley: Mary, come on.
Mary: Vampires aren’t welcome. You’re the exception. Rules of the house.

Mikael: I assumed you’d run. Like the pathetic, sniveling, coward that you are.
Klaus: And I assume I have the misfortune of addressing the . . . uh . . . what was your name? The Inept? The Vacant? The Hollow! Yes.
Mikael: You address no one.

Freya was full of snark this past week.

Keelin: You never stop, do you? Just, every day. Do a spell, vanquish some evil. Do another spell. Rinse and repeat.
Freya: I have hobbies. For instance, I collect the ashes of my enemies.

Klaus does the unthinkable . . . he refuses a drink!

Elijah offers Klaus a drink
Klaus: I’d prefer my mind remain unaltered for the time being.
Elijah: Weird. I feel the exact opposite.

And more from Keelin/Freya. (We need a ship name here, folks. Keelya? Freylin? I like Freylin. I’m going with that.)

Keelin: The mighty Freya Mikaelson, felled by antiseptic.

Freya: Keelin, thank you.

Keelin: Is that gratitude? From the Viking witch who spends her days chanelling the spirits to save vampire brothers, yeah, you got a concussion.

And, this last one I am including because . . . only Mr Awesome Scruff could deliver this speech to Marcel with ALL the venom . . . and make it touch your face like a lover, because of that accent. Gotta love some Elijah threats.

You, Marcellus, are not needed, welcome, or wanted. You have only been spared, purely, because you are my brother’s greatest weakness. And I cannot show any mercy to anyone who’d demonstrate a threat toward this family. And if indeed, you should prevent the redemption of the cruel, the wicked, the vindictive, Niklaus Mikaelson . . . I promise you, I will deliver another kind of nightmare. Sweet dreams, Marcellus.


HeĀ can deliver a threat, can’t he?

Until next time!