Wow. Been a while, eh? Sorry for that. Had a bout of the flu that just wouldn’t leave. Kinda like Esther.
Anyhow. Let’s get on with it, shall we?
Klaus introduces this episode, with a reminder that Lenorsther wants to put all the Mikaelson children in new bodies so that they can “find peace” from the vampire curse. Then we have Lenorsther telling Finncent that he needs to bring Camille to her, now. Then, after the fight that captured Finncent and Koleb, little Cami was left all alone, and Mommy Dearest found her. (Uh oh.) And then we have Marcel, challenging the werewolves that are under Lenorsther’s thumb. We’re reminded that Koleb and Davina were getting closer, and that Lenorsther may have screwed our beloved Suited One up a little in the head while she played mind games with him, chained up in the tomb. We see Klaus choking Lenorsther again, and her saying (again) that he doesn’t understand why she did what she did (BIG CLUE: DAHLIA). We see Marcel explaining the Magical Shakles of Witch Taming, and then Finncent with them on. And then we see Finncent and Koleb strung up on the stairs, and Klaus and Elijah being all threatening and sexy. Erm. I mean SCARY. Sure, that’s what I meant!
And then a soccer ball is rolling in the grass. The sound of children laughing. And Klaus narrates as children run by, saying that we are born innocent and vulnerable (as we see a bunch of kids playing on a playground), and the job of our parents is to “nurture and protect us.” (a tiny baby girl swinging in a swing, giggling) Klaus says their parents “failed miserably” but the children (AND YAY AUNTIE BEX!!!!) are not stuck on the paths their parents put them on and he says that he’s ready to start a new future. And the picture goes from Auntie Bex cooing over Hope to the compound, where a meeting of sorts seems to be going on.
Klaus is telling the room to forget how much the people in it don’t like himself and Elijah. We see Koleb and Finncent sitting at the table as Klaus rails against their mother, asking them to join him in the fight against her. Koleb reaches for some food – we see he’s wearing The Shackles of Anti-Witchiness – which Klaus snatches out of his reach, threatening them if they don’t join in their fight against Esther. Elijah says that he wanted to use a different approach to get them to comply – removing their limbs one by one until they did so – and Klaus laughs. It isn’t often that Klaus has to hold Elijah back, now is it? Klaus laughs and says that “we have no desire to torture you” (although I’m thinking Elijah’s thinking the exact opposite) as long as Finncent and Koleb join the fight against Esther. Finncent takes special objection when Klaus uses the word “brothers,” saying it doesn’t even apply to them after all the treachery, and wonders if loyalty to Klaus is ever really rewarded. And he asks where their sister is. To which Elijah gives a worried look.
We see Auntie Bex and Baby Hope back at the park, Bex pushing Hope in the swing.
And Finncent presses Elijah and Klaus for information on her whereabouts. He wonders how Rebekah managed to escape him. Klaus deferrs, saying that if Finncent thinks he’s evil, what does he think of the person that did this to them? Finncent immediately defends Esther (as we all knew he would) and says that he thinks Rebekah would totally take Mommy Dearest up on her offer. (Remember back on TVD, Rebekah really wanting that cure. To be human. To have her own baby. UH OH.)
We see Auntis Bex and Baby Hope again . . . but this time, there’s the rather loud call of a Starling interrupting the peaceful play date.
Finncent continues, saying Bex always wanted to be human again. (Didn’t I just say that?) Elijah does his best overreaction – tells Koleb and Finncent that if they start to try and track her down, he’ll make them suffer – and I can’t help but wonder if Koleb and Finncent notice just how hard our boys are trying to keep Rebekah out of the equation. Klaus reigns Elijah in a bit, saying Rebekah will only be found if she wants to be. Finncent says that Esther is searching anyway.
And there’s that damned bird at the park again. Rebekah has the sense to look worried at this point. And then several Starlings line up on the playground equipment – watching her – and I notice that all the other children have just kinda gone POOF.
Finncent says he thinks Mommy Dearest is hot on Rebekah’s trail, and Elijah lashes out, pulling Finncent across the table and (heaven help me) bears his fangs and bites his brother.
Klaus throws Elijah up against the wall, telling him that he needs to keep his anger in check because Finncent and Koleb have power (and knowledge of Esther’s plans) and they need to be breathing for them to get it. Elijah’s worried about what they would do if they found Rebekah and Hope (since Mommy Dearest wanted the baby dead – and although they don’t know why they assume it would be true still if she knew Hope was alive) and Klaus assures him that the girls are cloaked with magic. He wants Elijah to focus on what they’re doing now. Klaus wants to persuade their brothers. Elijah . . . not so much. Klaus wonders if the world has “shifted on its axis” since he is restraining Elijah. Then Elijah’s phone rings.
Its Rebekah. She’s in a panic. She has Hope, but they’re on the run. Esther’s found them, but they are safe for now. She’s lost Esther’s “bloody Starlings” but she doesn’t know where to go now. Klaus, overhearing, tells Elijah to tell Rebekah to head West and says that he’ll call Hayley. Rebekah objects to the last part, saying that Esther would see through Hayley if their paths were to cross again. Rebekah wants the boys to text her with plans, hangs up, and gets in a car.
Elijah, frustrated, tells Klaus to go. Klaus says “Splendid, and in your hands, I assume they’ll be dead by nightfall” so I don’t think he’s game for that plan. Elijah says he’ll be good, Hope needs her father. Klaus says that she needs (what they all need) is allies against their Mother. He says that without Finn and Kol on their side, Hope will have no where left to run. Elijah starts to say that Klaus could see Hope, but Klaus says that he’s already waited months to see her, what’s a little longer? Elijah goes to go back toward Finncent and Koleb, Klaus stops him, tells him to do whatever it takes to keep Hope safe, and Elijah gives Klaus his word that he will.
Down in the Bayou, Aiden is talking to Hayley and Jackson. He says that the wolves are in uproar, that they know it had to be an insider that took down Finncent last night, since no one should have been able to get near him (he has a constant entourage or wolf guards). Jackson asks if anyone suspects Aiden. Aiden says that he doesn’t think so, but he’s worried they will. Aiden wants them to come up with a plan. Jackson remains silent a beat too long, and with her forehead wrinkled in worry, Hayley tells Aiden to call a meeting – the entire pack – tonight. She says if they are scared, then right now is the perfect time to show them that they can survive without Esther. Aiden counters that they are loyal to her since she gave them Moonlight Rings. Hayley says the rings make them slaves. Aiden says they make them powerful and babbles a list of other reasons why they are good. Jackson finally speaks up, getting in Aiden’s face and telling him to “Set the damn meeting.” There’s something in his voice that Aiden can’t argue with, and after a quick look at Hayley, he leaves to do just that.
Jackson pops the tab on a beer, and Hayley snarks at him about getting “day drunk.” She takes the beer from him and tells him that its 10 am. He picks up a journal, says that for months he wrote down every single word that Ansel told him. Its the entire history of “our people” he says. Jackson says that if he’d known Ansel was Klaus’s father, he’d have asked a whole bunch more questions. Jackson says he was reading his notes all night, looking for something to help unite their people. Hayley questions him about what he found – which was nothing – and now Ansel (and Ollie) are dead, so he needs a beer. Jackson walks off, but Hayley considers the journal for a minute, and then picks it up.
Davina is with Marcel and Josh, saying that she screwed up. She says Koleb took the Stake of Extreme Power while she was sleeping. Marcel says, no, Klaus has it. And he has Koleb. Davina looks sufficiently horrified and disgusted. Marcel says that he’s the one that took Koleb to Klaus. Marcel says that everyone is safer this way, but Davina thinks that Klaus will end up killing Koleb. Marcel says that Klaus hasn’t killed Kol yet (in 1,000 years) so worry less about Koleb and more about herself. Marcel rails against Koleb in a very “I’m your Dad and this guy is bad news” way that irks her, clearly. He apologizes about going behind her back, but its for her own good. (*eye roll*) He says he’s got to go out, but she’s to stay with Josh. Before he leaves, he tells her that “everything’s going to be ok.”
Koleb thinks that Elijah’s gone off the deep end (“off his bloody rocker” are his exact words) and he wants to get out of there. Finncent says that their being held here is an opportunity. Koleb counters that there’s only an opportunity to get beaten up.
And Klaus enters with perfect timing. Klaus says he’s brought an “old friend” who wants to say “hello” to Finn and Kol. And Marcel walks in and says “hello” with that big, shit-eating grin on his face. Koleb asks Marcel if he ever gets tired of being bullied by Klaus. Marcel laughs and says he “volunteered” for this little project because Koleb messed with Davina – and clearly Marcel is there to rough him up a bit – and now he wants to drag Rebekah into things, which is not happening. He pokes Koleb in the chest like an angry parent (he’s got that whole act down pat this episode) and Klaus interrupts saying, again, that he wants them to join him against their mother. He says he’ll settle, even, for one of them, but either way, if they continue to “defy” him “your lives will be reduced to an unending sequence of agonizing torture.” (And I barely contain my I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE yell, because he’s just so very….yum….when he threatens people.) He asks which one will align with him, Koleb and Finncent exchange a look, and we fade to commercials.
We come back, and Marcel is throwing Koleb about saying that he’s the member of the Original Family that he likes least. Koleb says that Davina would disagree with that. Marcel comes back with a threat of cutting off “parts of you that you’d rather keep” if Koleb goes near her again. Koleb says that Klaus needs him, that’s why all Marcel is doing is threatening and shoving him around a bit. Marcel says Klaus only needs him until they get rid of Esther, and then . . . not so much. Koleb says that Klaus may not need him then, but Marcel might. He taunts Marcel with the fact that he was the King of the city once, but he doesn’t expect Klaus to just give it back when this is all over, does he? Marcel laughs. Koleb continues, saying that individually they can’t do much, but together they could bring Klaus down. Marcel says that he’d have to trust Koleb, then, and he doesn’t. He knows what he’s getting with Klaus. And he picks up some sort of knife, I think. Koleb taunts some more, but Marcel isn’t hearing it. He just wants to know what Koleb is up to. “Tell me everything, maybe you’ll get to live” he says, “if not” and stabs Koleb through the wrist with said knife. Koleb screams.
Josh is apologizing to Davina for lying to her and knowing what Marcel was up to and not telling her. She says she’s not mad at either of them, she’s just sick of worrying about them and Klaus always being at the center of it. She says that every time she’s stood up to Klaus “it hasn’t worked out so well” Josh finishes for her. “Yeah, well, Failure, party of two,” he says. (Josh gets THE BEST lines.) Davina jokes that Josh is doing ok, and he says that he’s still got every werewolf in the town after him “except the superhot one that I’m sort of dating” (Aiden). Davina asks about his “Romeo” and Josh shows her a picture. She coos over Aiden and tells Josh to invite Aiden over, that she wants to meet him. (And I think she’s up to something….)
Klaus comes in with a bundle of what I’m going to call Torture Tools and asks Finncent if he thinks their mother is even the slightest bit worried about him. Finncent challenges Klaus, saying he’s had plenty of opportunities to kill him, but he hasn’t. Klaus says that, right, he hasn’t because he understands why Finncent is so loyal to Esther. Klaus surmises that Esther clung to Finn after Freya “died” which made Finn believe Esther’s safety was his responsibility. Klaus calls Finn “the good son” but says that young children don’t really have the ability to question their parents. He’s grown now, he should be able to see the error of her ways. Finncent isn’t hearing it. Klaus doesn’t understand why Finncent remains loyal to someone who constantly manipulates him. Klaus offers to give Finncent freedom. Klaus’s parting shot is that if Finncent should align with him, Finncent would be able to follow whatever path he wanted. Klaus’s words seem to have hit a nerve.
Jackson is chopping wood, Hayley calls him a “mountain man.” We get a little glimpse of bare chest, abs, and happy trail as Jackson stands while Hayley asks him why he kept the notes/journal secret from her. She quotes a line from his notes, “the werewolf power can be traced back to the myth of the unification ceremony, a ritual that bestowed certain unique abilities onto every member of the pack.” She asks if he believes in that. He says he didn’t at first, but Ansel told him he’d seen it with his own eyes. Hayley wants to know why she didn’t know about any of this. Jackson says its because she didn’t grow up there with their legends. Jackson says that long ago, werewolf bloodlines were distinct – some had speed, some were super strong, some could sense an enemies approach – but to evolve they had to do this ritual. He says that a Shaman would marry the Alphas of each bloodline and the special abilities of both “would be inherited mystically by everyone who participated.” After a few centuries of these pairings, everyone had the same abilities, so the marriages became more about politics than the magic. Hayley says that she has an unique ability – she can change when she wants as a hybrid – and theorizes that if this “mystical marriage thing works” then their people would get her power if they married, which means they would no longer have to be aligned with Esther. She thinks this is the answer to joining the packs again, she’s flippant about getting married and getting this done. Jackson counters that it has to be a real marriage – for the rest of their lives – for it to work. He asks her if she’s up to it. When Hayley can’t answer immediately, Jackson assumes that she isn’t.
Cami is woken up by the buzzing of her phone. She seems to have a bit of a headache as she answers it. On the other end is Hayley, needing a favor.
Next we see them in what I’ve been calling Kieran’s Room of Requirement, Cami still nursing her aching head, and Hayley looking through the shelves, asking if she’s alright. Hayley apologizes for getting Cami out of bed for this, but Cami’s all excited about this union ritual. She’s found a file in Kieran’s stuff about werewolf ceremonies, saying it sounds more like “folklore and fables.” Hayley admits that she doesn’t really know what she’s looking for. Cami asks if Jackson has any answers, and Hayley say that he doesn’t even want to talk about it, that he doesn’t want to put her in the position she’s now in. She calls Jackson a decent guy. Cami asks if Jackson knows about Elijah. Hayley admits that she and Elijah have barely spoken since her transformation into a hybrid, but she admits that he’s under her skin (which Cami actually says, and I wonder if she’s talking about Klaus). Cami says there’s no “right” answer to all of this, Hayley needs to decide what’s best for her. And she’d better not make a decision rashly, because she’s going to have to live with it. Cami turns to pick something up, and there are little puncture marks all the way down her back. Hayley asks her what it is, and Cami doesn’t seem to have known there was anything there. Cami looks scared.
We see a sign outside a building “Welcome to Old Algiers” and Josh and Aiden walk in. Davina’s got some music playing that Aiden seems to like. Turns out Josh picked the music, Davina “wanted Puccini” and Aiden makes a face. Davina takes Aiden’s hand, saying that he must be Aiden “supercool, superhandsome -” he interrupts “werewolf traitor.” Things are awkward for a sec, and Davina says she’s going to go order food. The cuteness between Josh and Aiden is CUTE. Aiden tells Josh about calling the meeting for Jackson and Hayley, saying that everything’s coming to a head. Josh calls Aiden a “badass” and tells him that he can handle things. Josh says to tell everyone “what’s what” but Aiden says he’s not the Alpha, he can’t. Josh says that, no, Jackson is, but he thinks the pack respects them both, so if Aiden stands with Jackson, the wolves will fall in line. Josh says that Marcel taught him that “loyalty sends a powerful message.” Josh touches Aiden’s collar and tell him that he thinks Aiden is pretty amazing and they share THE LOOK and then go in for the kiss. It’s ADORABLE. And then they get adorably awkward. Josh is surprised that Davina isn’t in the wings, clapping at the kiss and calls for her. She doesn’t appear and he says her name again.
In Lafayette Cemetery, Davina is back in the room she opened for Koleb. She rifles through some stuff, and gathers some bottles and a bowl. She starts chanting over what she’s put in the bowl, and the bowl begins to spin on the table. When the bowl stops, the stuff in it has changed into a liquid (did she just do a witchy blender spell?) which Davina then picks up and drinks.
Koleb is struggling with the pain of having a knife through his hand, Marcel’s telling him they can keep doing things this way (pulls the knife back out) or (Marcel bites his own wrist) and forces Koleb to drink his blood while telling him that he could just change Koleb right back into a vampire right now. Koleb’s wound heals, and he tells Marcel to go ahead. Marcel puts the knife up to Koleb’s throat and Koleb says Esther has plans for him, whether he likes them or not. He says that if he dies, she’ll just pop him into another body, but he doesn’t think the Family would care too much if the death was permanent. Marcel removes the knife from Koleb’s neck and asks Koleb what he’s really up to and what it has to do with Davina. Koleb calls Marcel out on acting like her father, and Marcel lunges with the knife to kill him. Klaus comes in, and Marcel freezes without going through with the stabbing. Klaus wants to give Koleb a little more time to decide to align with them, before lopping off his head. Marcel says its comments like that that make Koleb think Klaus doesn’t care about him. Klaus asks if that’s true. Koleb reminds Klaus of the dozen times that Klaus has daggered him, saying Klaus always cared more for Marcel than he did Kol. Klaus says that he didn’t realize Kole’s feelings were hurt, and Koleb says that Klaus doesn’t know the first thing about him. Klaus calls Koleb out on wanting to be a part of this family (since he’s never felt like he was before), that all the mischief Koleb created was to get attention. Klaus agrees that maybe Koleb is right in feeling left out, but there’s time for Klaus to make it up to him.
Hayley’s in the Quarter, seemingly trying to decide whether or not to make a phone call. She finally decides to do it and . . .
Elijah’s phone starts vibrating in his pocket. He’s in some dive of a diner. He looks and sees that its Hayley calling and smiles but doesn’t answer. Some guy at the counter is glaring at Elijah. Elijah returns his stare and returns his phone to his inside pocket of his jacket.
Hayley gets Elijah’s voicemail and rolls her eyes and hangs up without leaving a message.
Back at the diner, Elijah asks the waitress (using his compulsion) if there’s been anyone unusual there today. She answers that he’s the only one, and his gaze returns to random dude at the counter. Elijah pushes his coffee cup toward her, and when she goes to fill it, she slops coffee on to the cuff of his shirt. He dismisses the waitress’s attempts to help him clean up, and tisks at the stain, trying to scrub it off. Then he flashes back to when Esther was telling him that he was the one that killed Tatia and her telling him to go clean up, because as long as he was clean no one would know what he was. The dude at the bar and the waitress are staring at him as he remembers Tatia and the Red Door. He’s still scrubbing at his cuff, but if looks could kill . . .
Finncent is still strung up on the stairs, in the Shackles of Do No Magic, Witch. Klaus dangles the keys to them in his face, and asks if he wants to be free. Finncent claims he already is. Klaus challenges that Esther doesn’t love Finncent, but Finncent believes he does, that they would not exist “without her sacrifice” (he’s meaning giving up Freya, I’m guessing) and Klaus goes to storm off, thinking Finncent is a lost cause. Finncent yells after him, asking if Klaus knows the truth. Finncent tells Klaus that Esther was barren and desperate for a family, so she begged “one of the most powerful witches in history” for help – her sister Dahlia (*scared face*) – and Dahlia had a price. Dahlia agreed to make her fertile, Finncent says, but her price was Esther’s first born. Finncent tells Klaus that Esther had no other choice but to give Freya up when Dahlia came to collect. Klaus recites what he thinks to be the truth – Freya died of the Plague.
Finncent insists he’s telling the truth, tells Klaus to think about what that must have been like for Esther. Klaus says that if this story is true, then Esther’s dying isn’t enough to pay for what she’s done. Finncent says that Esther loves them more than Klaus thinks. Klaus counters that “love” made her want to kill his baby. Finncent admits that she did that to try and protect Klaus from Dahlia’s curse! Klaus is furious, demands to know “what curse?” And Finncent admits that Dahlia’s price was the firstborn child of every generation, not just Freya. Finncent says that if Klaus’s child had lived “she would have paid the price, and if anyone tried to protect her, Dahlia would come to destroy us all.” Klaus has tears in his eyes as we fade to commercials.
(What do you think? Does Klaus believe Finncent? Or does he think its another of Esther’s lies? He certainly looked worried, didn’t he?)
Elijah is still at the diner, the waitress walks past him again, and he stands as Rebekah comes in with Hope. There doesn’t seem to be anyone else in the place now. Odd. Elijah coos over Hope, Hope coos over him. (Who wouldn’t?) Elijah says that he can’t imagine how joyful it must be, spending every day with her. Rebekah says that she realizes that she’ll have to give Hope back one day, but she’s enjoying having something that she’ll never have, something so human as nurturing a child. She’s realized, again, how much she wants a child of her own. Elijah says that its a lovely dream, but its one that will always be out of their reach, “considering the curse of our existence.” (Whoa. Quoting Crazy Momma much, there Mr Awesome Scruff?) Rebekah states that she gathers Esther is attacking with her usual “frevor.” Elijah admits that Lenorsther tortured him for days, bringing up memories that he thought he’d long ago buried, and tells Rebekah how Lenorsther has made them all an offer – to become mortal again. Rebekah’s face there is priceless. Elijah tells her that Lenorsther believes that placing them in new bodies, all of her children can reclaim some kind of purity and have families of their own. He tells her that even though taking someone else’s body doesn’t sound great, the rest of the offer “had a certain kind of . . . appeal.” He goes back to playing with Hope, and Rebekah notices a tiny smear of blood on Elijah’s cuff. (UH OH) She looks at him, concerned, and Elijah answers her look by saying that she doesn’t need to worry, they’re safe. Looking very nervous, Rebekah says that Hope needs her diaper changed, and gets up and Elijah hands Hope over.
As Rebekah walks back to the bathroom, she sees some gruesome smears of blood all over the counter, the door to the kitchen, and as she walks by the waitress nods at her, smiling like nothing is wrong. Rebekah kicks the door to the kitchen open and sees several bodies, and a lot of carnage. The body she focuses on is the one of the dude at the counter that was giving Elijah evil looks – he’s had his eyes removed. Rebekah covers Hopes head, and turns back to look at Elijah.
Klaus is leaving a message for Elijah – saying he’s done leaving messages (haha) – saying that “this is urgent would be a gross understatement.” As Klaus puts his phone back in his pocket, Davina is behind him. Klaus greets her by telling her that he’s not quite done torturing Koleb. Davina says she’s not going anywhere, and Daddy Marcelbucks swoops in, tells her now isn’t the time. She disagrees, and uses her power to break Marcel’s neck from across the room! Marcel’s limp body falls down the rest of the stairs, and she turns back to Klaus. She walks toward Klaus, a challenge on her lips.
Jackson is talking in what looks like Saint Anne’s Church. He’s telling a congregation (haha) of wolves that he knows they are angry and scared, but they are a pack “no matter what.” Some dude gets up and asks why they should listen to Jackson, since he’s been “checked out for months” and Aiden stands up and says that they should listen because Jackson is the Alpha. Hayley appears at the back of the sanctuary and says that she wants to hear what Jackson has to say. Same dude tells her that this is a “pack meeting” and since she isn’t a member of their pack anymore, she should go away. Hayley gets between Dude and Jackson, and turns to face those wolves still seated. She holds out her hand, which she lets go wolfy, then changes back, and her eyes glow. She tells them she is still a wolf and she doesn’t need any magical ring to control when or how she changes. She walks up to the front, turns and asks them if they want to be able to do the same, they need to “sit down, shut up, and listen.” She smirks and then looks to Jackson to continue.
Klaus reminds Davina that she’s not as powerful as she once was, as a Harvest Girl with the magic of the three girls sacrificed before her. She says she can still “kick your asss” and throws him through a doorway and into a wall with a flick of her wrist. She goes to where she threw him, only to find he isn’t there, he’s behind her and throws her around and she hits her head and starts to bleed. Klaus teases her about how easily she does bleed, and Davina struggles to her feet. She throws letting Mikael go in Klaus’s face, and tells Klaus that she agrees with Mikael – he’s weak. Klaus then attacks, biting her neck from behind. As he pulls back, he starts to stagger and falls to the ground, gagging on her blood.
Koleb asks Davina what she did to Klaus, she apparently channeled some Dark Objects and turned her blood to poison and he says that he’s impressed. She asks how he got free, but he just tells her its a long story. Koleb asks if Klaus isn’t dead, what’s she going to do with him. She says they have an hour, she plans to chain him up, bleed him, and dump him in the river. Koleb says that’s a bit harsh, isn’t it, and just as Davina asks why he cares what happens to Klaus, Marcel comes to and says that Koleb is on their side now. Marcel says they are all going up against Esther, “assuming Klaus is upright.” Koleb says that, yeah, Klaus is a pain in the ass, but Esther is everyone’s problem. Davina disagrees, says she doesn’t care what happens to Esther.
Just then, Cami walks in and says she sure does. She sees Klaus on the floor and looks to Marcel, “Should I even ask?” Davina tries to get Cami to leave, and Cami tells her about the puncture wounds all up her spine. She’s done her research though, and Kieran’s files told her that it seems to be part of an “ancient spell” and when she puts those two words together, she comes up with Esther. Davina looks upset.
Hayley’s addressing the wolves. She says that they need help, and they ought to know it. Whatever she is now, she was born a Crescent Wolf, and the last of the Lebonair line, so she’s an Alpha too. She reminds them that Jackson is their Alpha, and reminds them of the stories they heard as children about the “unification myth.” “Well, it is all true,” she says – and that gets a reaction – and she tells them that if she and Jackson get married, and any of them “have the guts to turn up” for the ceremony, they will have as much control over their wolf form as she does. Jackson asks Hayley what she’s doing – she responds “what needs to be done” – and she goes back to talking to the wolves assembled. She says that this isn’t just about uniting their pack, its about “forming a new community.” Jackson tells the crowd that this ceremony will change everything for us, because it will give them the strength they need to defend themselves, and bring them peace. Hayley tells them the choice is their’s to make “keep the rings and be somebody’s bitch, or be part of the greatest pack that ever lived.” We see Aiden in the crowd, he stands and comes forward, saying “I’m in” and drops his Moonlight Ring at Hayley’s feet.
Koleb’s looking at the punctures on Cami’s back, and confirms that its Esther’s work. When Cami asks what it means, Koleb tells her the wounds are a “byproduct” of a “preperation spell.” Preperation for what? Turns out, Lenorsther has made Cami into a vessel, ready for someone to jump into. (Rebekah? That’d be weird, what with Klaus kinda liking her and all that….) Koleb thinks that Lenorsther probably prepared Cami for herself. Cami asks where Finncent is.
Then she storms into where Finncent is still hanging from the stairs. She’s pissed. She slaps him hard (why can’t us girls ever PUNCH somebody? The slap is so . . . meh.) and asks why her? Finncent responds that she’s “perfect. Healthy, beautiful, smart, and alone.” He says that no one would be around to question her personality changes, once someone jumps in. And, he says, that Klaus would never let Cami get hurt. Cami tells him to “fix this” to “do something to stop it” and he says that he can’t, only Mommy Dearest can. Cami says that she will step out in front of a “moving truck” before she’ll let Esther have her body. To which Finncent says that Esther wasn’t prepping her for herself, she was prepping her for . . . I guessed it . . . Rebekah. Cami does her shocked face, and turns to look at Marcel, who just overheard.
Back at the diner, Rebekah is still standing by the kitchen door and Hope cries out. The sound makes Elijah turn to look at her. Rebekah puts on a calm face and tells him that she’s all “sorted” and ready to go. Rebekah puts Hope into the car carrier, and Elijah looks at her again, saying its hard to believe that all of them were this innocent once. He says that they had better not let the world hurt her. Rebekah agrees, putting her hand on Elijah’s shoulder and then snapping his neck.
Cami asks how long she has, and Koleb says that now that Esther’s found Rebekah, probably not long. The only way to stop this from happening, he says, is to stop her. Cami says that since Marcel’s a vampire, Koleb and Davina are witches, let’s do this. Marcel warns that Esther is powerful, they’re going to need Klaus, too. Davina says that, no, they can do it without him. Koleb says “and I’m never going to say this again . . . but, Marcel’s right, but we do need the bastard.” Cami begs Davina, and Davins goes over to where Klaus is still laying on the floor. She chants over him, touches his forehead, and Klaus gasps awake, demanding to know what she’s done to him. She says that it doesn’t matter, he just needs to know that she’s beaten him . . . again. Since he knows that Davina revived him, he says that he didn’t really lose because she needs him.
Back at Saint Anne’s, its just Hayley and Jackson now. She’s apologizing for springing the information that they’re going to get married on him. Jackson jokes that he always thought he’d be the one to “pop the question” instead of having it kinda thrown at him. Jackson asks her if she’s sure she wants to do this, and instead of answering, she asks him the same thing. Jackson says that he knows her only motivation is uniting their people, but he promises to be a good husband to her. He stands up, grabs her hand, and asks “Hayley Marshall, will you marry me?” She jokes “No ring?” and they laugh a little nervously.
Koleb is thanking Davina for coming to his rescue. She says that if he’d been the one that stole the White Oak Stake from her, she would have been the one torturing him. Koleb asks if that means she trusts him now. She doesn’t answer before Klaus comes in and interrupts them. He says he’d like to speak to Koleb. Davina says she can’t stand being in the same room with him anyway (basically) and leaves them. Before Klaus even says anything, Koleb blurts out that he didn’t know anything about Esther’s plans for Cami. Klaus admits he doesn’t think Esther would have trusted Koleb with that kind of information anyway. He thinks this was Finncent’s job. Koleb asks after their brother, and Klaus tells him he’s waiting for Klaus to return to punish him. Koleb thinks that it won’t be long before Esther comes to their rescue – Finn’s anyway – and says that he doesn’t think she’d mind if he didn’t come home. Klaus says that a “mother cares for her children, a monster does not” and that he needs to understand that their mother is the latter. Klaus tells Koleb that he did mourn after Kol was stabbed with the White Oak Stake in Mystic Falls, and that he did try to avenge him. “I would do nothing less, because we are brothers,” he says, “Always and forever.” And then his cell phone rings.
Its Rebekah. She tells Klaus of the carnage Elijah left in his wake – asks him if he’s ever known Elijah to kill when he can compel – and that’s the kind of act that will get Esther’s attention. Klaus admits that maybe Lenorsther’s torture of their brother effected him more than he’s let on to this point. Rebekah tells Klaus that she broke Elijah’s neck to keep her and Hope safe, but she doesn’t know what to do next. Klaus springs into action, asks her if she remembers where they ate after they fled Mikael. He tells her to “go there. NOW!” and hangs up, heading straight to Finncent.
Klaus charges Finncent, asks him if he enjoyed last night’s “festivities,” he’s in for a treat. Finncent starts to talk, and Klaus silences him. Klaus tells Finncent to shut up about fairytales of “witches and curses” and Finncent says if its such a fairytale, why does Klaus look scared? Klaus shouts for Marcel to “bring it in” and Marcel appears with a casket. There’s a few tiny holes been drilled in the top, and Klaus throws Finncent inside while Marcel snaps the lid shut. Marcel locks it as Klaus heads out.
He runs into Hayley who asks if he’s seen Elijah because there’s something she needs to tell the both of them. Klaus tells her to tell him on the way and she asks where they’re going. “To see our daughter,” he says. She stares at him for a second, and then follows quickly behind him.
What did you guys think of the episode? Let us know in the comments!