The Originals: 2.15 “They All Asked for You” Recap! {SPOILERS}


It’s been awhile, hasn’t it? Well, I just hope this extended break hasn’t allowed any of our characters to mellow! (Yeah, right, the chances of that . . . ) All indicators point to “NO” on that one. So, let’s see what our merry band of delightfully happy characters are up to this week! (Too much? Ok, ok. No one stays happy for long, do they? Here’s hoping that Hayley and Jackson get at least a TASTE of happiness before all goes the way of every other The Originals or The Vampire Diaries couples!)

Klaus introduces the new episode, over images from Hayley and Jackson’s wedding (Elijah’s pained expression is there too). We see the kiss, and the subsequent wolfy-eye-glow of all the wolves in attendance. We’re reminded that Klaus has some dastardly plan against Jackson as he claims the newly-married Jackson’s reign will be “short-lived.” As Elijah looks on – skeptical and worried – Klaus invites the newlyweds to live in the compound with him. Elijah declares that he will no longer live there (and deal with the constant heart-break of watching his beloved Hayley be happy with Jackson), pledging to help Marcel with the Merry Men across the River in Algiers. We’re reminded that Freya is back, and not quite ready to visit with her brothers. And we’re reminded that Elijah blew up the house in Arkansas to save the family from Finncent, and that Freya spent a good deal of time over his body in the morgue . . . bringing him back. We’re tearfully reminded that Koleb is gone – and that Rebekah will not leave her new body until she finds a way to bring him back from Finncent’s curse that killed him – and that Marcel might just have realized just who NewBekah is.


Speaking of NewBekah, she’s down in the Quarter as the neighborhood seems to be singing the praises of Mardi Gras. She’s on the phone with Klaus, begging him to see how the “situation has become awkward.” And that, of course, is in reference to Elijah being in the house with the newlyweds. Klaus says that Elijah is “sulking” while watching over what appears to be some wolves sparring. Elijah is actually in on the conversation, and claims that the moving of all his precious suits is to “purely assemble allies.” (No one is buying it, Mr Awesome Scruff, so quit selling it.) And “given all the enemies we have afoot in the form of wayward siblings and, ancient, maniacal Aunt Dahlias, I would think that you would applaud my efforts” comes Elijah’s retort. Klaus makes some snark about Elijah needing applause and he shouldn’t have “dashed off in a bloody huff” and NewBekah calls them back to order, calling them back to the purpose of Hope’s safety. On that, they actually agree. She reminds them that they are on the same team (which always makes me worry) and tells them (basically) to stop being the Bickering Bickertons, saying the crisis has been averted. Then she notices the man giving her some really close attention on the street. She flees from him, only to have someone bump into her. When she calls him on his rudeness, the blonde one turns to glare at her. And then she’s running from both of them. And, of course, her running finds her in the dead end of an alley.


She threatens to give them “a smack in the jaw” and they counter with “you will die for what you’ve done.” She tries, in vain, twice to use her magic against them (calling it “stupid, bloody magic”) and one of them rattles a rattle at her that brings her to her knees, screaming. Marcel swoops in, knocking the witches down, and offering his assistance. When NewBekah stands, her nose is bloody. When, at first, she doesn’t respond, Marcel calls her “Rebekah” and she asks how he knew. He tells her that they’ll talk about that later, and scoops her up and whooshes her away.


Back at the Bell Tower, Freya is comforting Finncent saying that she has made it so that no one can come in. He claims he isn’t worried, he’s impatient for a reunion with the “brothers that tried to kill me.” Now that he’s healed, he needs to power back up. He suggests that they go back to Mikael (he is, after all, right where they left him) so that he can start channeling him again. Finncent starts to leave, but Freya tells him that she needs a minute alone with Mikael first. She wants to reunite with her father – he doesn’t even know she’s still alive (he was told she was taken by the Plague while he was away, hunting) – but Finncent thinks that it is better that way. Finncent calls Mikael a monster, but she counters that he was never a monster to her. Finncent says that losing her changed Mikael, and that he spend an eternity hoping that he would change back into the Father they loved, but he never did – he only got worse. Freya begs for just a few minutes. Finncent asks if she wants time with their Mother as well. Freya, it seems, has never forgiven Esther for giving her away to Dahlia, and calls Esther “nothing to me.”


Klaus calls the Werewolf Army to action, wanting them to help locate Finncent and the “woman that calls herself my sister” somewhere in the city. Jackson disagrees. He says that the army is needed there, in the compound, to keep Hope safe. Hayley is sitting nearby, listening. Jackson (calling Klaus “Nik” which is just odd) tells Klaus that the hybrid can compel a bunch of humans to “track your enemies.” Klaus doesn’t like being ordered around in his own home, and Jackson calls him egocentric, saying Hope is the most important thing in the world. Klaus likes even less his intentions being questioned where Hope is concerned, and Hayley finally picks a side . . . Klaus’s. She reminds Jackson that Finncent’s body disappeared from the morgue, which means that either a) he’s gotten powerful enough as a witch to survive the house explosion, or that b) Freya is powerful enough to bring him back from death. Neither is good for their cause. She says that they aren’t going to find either of them “unless we send our best people out there.” Klaus, looking smug, says that he thinks Jackson and his “Merry Men will find them posthaste.” Jackson and Klaus square off, with Jackson saying that he’s giving this order because Hayley asked him to, “don’t think for one second I take orders from you.” Klaus does his best “suuuuuuuuuuuure” look.


Marcel pours a drink, stating that NewBekah “hasn’t spoken a word for 30 minutes.” When he’s met with silence, he counts 31 minutes, and then begins to thank him for her and mentions how no one told him she was back. NewBekah says that she told them not to. He wants to know why. Her answer? “It’s complicated.” She wants to know how he found her. “I knew you were you. I knew you were up to something so I followed you, ok?” he asks. He says that it was a good thing he did “the Treme witches aren’t fans of outsiders.” He wants to know why she was down at the market. She was looking for something to boost her magic, because she promised Kol she’d help him come back, and she can’t do that as “amateur hour witch.” He tells her that she needs to be more careful, and she, of course, says that she can take care of herself. He points the recent situation as proof that she can’t.


She tells him not to “play the hero” because he had one moment – “one tiny, saved your life from certain death moment” he calls it – and Elijah bursts in wanting to know if she’s ok. She tells Elijah that her attackers knew her – not the Rebekah her, but the her she’s wearing – and they want her dead. Elijah says that he’ll show them why that’s a bad plan. Marcel cautions that messing with “that crowd” is a bad idea, they need to ask a Josephine LaRue what’s going on. Josephine is the matriarch to the “covens outside the Quarter” and Marcel thinks she’ll know who wants NewBekah’s body dead. NewBekah wants to know why Marcel is so sure of this. He says that Josephine is the one that “bankrolls” the Foley Cottage where all the “broken” witches were being held before Freya broke (we assume) everyone out. NewBekah is concerned that Josephine will want to lock her back up – and she’s not going. Elijah counsels that the two of them go and find out what they can about the person Rebekah is wearing, but he will go and speak to Josephine. He reminds NewBekah that she isn’t who she once was – “this body’s all too vulnerable.” Marcel warns Elijah that Josephine is an “eccentric old bat with no love for vampires” and his charms might not work as well as he thinks they will. Elijah tells Marcel that his “charms are quite adaptable, Marcellus” and he leaves.


Finncent is covering Lenorsther in what looks like a shroud, Mikael still laying dessicated next to her. He tells Freya that he’s sure their brothers have spies all over the place, but Freya says she won’t be long. He asks her if she really wants to do this, reminding her that Mikael is not the man she remembers. “He is still my father,” she says. Finncent picks up the bundle that was their mother, and leaves. Cutting her finger, Freya starts chanting over Mikael. She touches her bloody fingers to his mouth, and color begins to return to Mikael’s face, and he gasps awake.


Gia is holding her violin, asking if they could bring wine “or coffee cake, or bundt cake, any kind of cake.” Elijah says that Josephine was a “musical prodigy” in her youth and the way to her heart is through the music she loved – Beethoven “Sonata Number 9, Opus 47.” Gia seems less than willing, but the promise of her performance is apparently what has opened Josephine’s door for them. Elijah explains that if this fails, the life of someone he cares for deeply will be “in jeopardy, and that would displease me immensely.” He demands that Gia move, and she refuses. She asks why he hasn’t just compelled someone from the symphony and make both of their lives easier. He says that it’s because Gia is more gifted than anyone from the symphony. He says, too, that Josephine (or, as he calls her, Miss LaRue) despises vampires and they are going to prove to her that their community of vampires is comprised of a “different breed with a new sophistication.” Gia asks if she has to wear a dress. He nods. She snarks about his string of identical dark suits – the one on the left, or the one on the right – and he comes back with, “I prefer the one in the middle, thank you so much.”


Gia teases that he needs a woman to “mess his life up a bit” and then realizes the sting of her words. Gia says that she thought she had something going on with Marcel, but that didn’t work out, so she seems to think she understands what he’s going through. As she walks out of the room, the expression on his face is one of surprise.


Aiden complains to Jackson about being an “errand boy” for Klaus. Jackson explains that Finn is a threat, and they need numbers to fight him. Aiden worries about losing “good men” in a fight, and Jackson warns him to “stay alert” so nothing like that happens. Jackson objects to Aiden being worried for the pack’s well-being, saying that this is his job.


Klaus pounces on the idea that Aiden feels disrespected, saying that “it’s surprising how little he values your input, especially since it was you who lead the wolves during his self-imposed exile.” Klaus says that he merely wants to offer Aiden advice, “that may save the lives of good men.” Klaus warns that Finncent is exactly sane, but he is clever. Klaus suggests that they shouldn’t attack Finncent as a pack – their movements will be noticed, and Finn will destroy them. He tells Aiden to think strategically, and to move quietly, he’ll handle the rest.


Marcel has, apparently, purchased a tea set now that NewBekah has taken up residence in Algiers. He says that someone’s coming over who’s “dialed in to witch business” and can tell them about the person Rebekah is currently inhabiting. Marcel wants to know how she ended up in this body, and NewBekah begins to explain. She jokes that she didn’t want him to know she was in this body in case she felt the need to kiss him, because these aren’t her lips that she’d be kissing him with. He asks if she feels the need, she says no, but Marcel doubts her. “100 bloody percent” she explains that she’s that sure.


A man walks in, asking if he’s interrupting, and Marcel introduces him as Ruben Morris, “local seer, sage, and prognosticator for hire.” Ruben seems more worried about collecting his fee “house calls cost double” than what’s going on – in fact, he seems quiet shifty. Marcel slaps some money in his hand, and then asks Ruben to find out who Rebekah is. Although, he tells Ruben that this NewBekah body was found with no memory of who she is – a half truth – and wants Ruben to see what he can find out. Ruben says he has never seen her before, but seems confident that he can figure her out. The tea set was purchased for Ruben, he plans on reading the tea leaves to discover the information they want, and he opens his medicine bag.


Mikael is completely healed, and standing, looking kind of confused at Freya. “What devil are you?” he asks. “Someone you once loved deeply, my father,” she responds. His response to that, is to grab her by the throat and slam her against the wall, saying he doesn’t have time for a witch’s riddles. Freya challenges him to really look at her, and asks if she doesn’t look familiar to him. “Do you not recognize the daughter you thought dead so long ago?” she asks. Mikael calls her a liar, and then Freya tells him something from their past – that he named his sword Rawthul “after the early morning sun” and she describes the sword to him – and realization begins to dawn on him. He wants to know how it’s possible that she’s been alive for a thousand years and he didn’t know she lived. Freya tells of her being taken by Dahlia, and that she’ll explain everything once he believes her. She goes to her knees in front of him, and he soon joins her on the floor. “My beautiful Freya” he says, holding her face, and then they share a tearful embrace. (Bloody good performance from Sabastian Roche – you really need to watch it!)


Back in the Quarter, we see Jackson knock on a doorframe as he enters a room. Hayley emerges, apparently having just put Hope down for a nap. Jackson thought Hayley might be hungry and made her a grilled cheese sandwich. (Altogether now: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW) Hayley teases him about his chef skills, and then Jackson offers to help out with Hope if she should ever want a break. Hayley says that she’s already missed 6 months of her life, she doesn’t want to miss any more. She asks why he seems so distant, and when he claims he’s just trying to get the wolves in order, she calls his bluff saying she knows the difference between busy and “trying to keep busy.”


Jackson says he’s been trying to keep his distance so that she didn’t feel obligated to the marriage, to him. She tells him, again, that “this isn’t an obligation.” And then, awkwardly, asks him if this is about “sex.” He says that the unification spell worked, but they still have to live as man and wife. Hayley tries to make it less awkward by saying that they shouldn’t be shy about this. (It doesn’t work.) She jokes that they just need to “put on some Marvin Gaye, and light some candles -” and Hope starts to cry “or . . . I could go and feed the baby,” she says. She leaves the room to go to Hope, and Jackson does his best impersonation of a rejected puppy. (*sad face*)


NewBekah is impatient (no shock there) to know who she is, and Ruben insists that she has to drink some of the tea before he can tell her anything. Ruben says that Marcel has to drink, too, as they are doing this in his house. NewBekah drinks hers, and Marcel follows behind her. Ruben tells NewBekah that the leaves tell him that she was born with “a dark side, and fought against your nature. Looks like you lost.” He says he’s heard “of this before” and says that “a witch named Eva Sinclair” was taking children in order to channel their power, and that she is that witch.


NewBekah looks drugged as Ruben tells her that she’s a “murderous psychopath” and she suddenly starts gasping for air. Marcel tells her she’s having a panic attack, and as NewBekah tries to run she falls knocking the coffee table over. Marcel is acting drugged as well, telling Ruben NewBekah isn’t who he thinks she is. NewBekah, still struggling to breathe, is trying to crawl toward something in Ruben’s bag. She grabs a bottle as Ruben accuses Marcel of slumming with a bad witch, and then Ruben uses his power to snap Marcel’s neck. Ruben turns on “Eva” saying that they never did prove it was her, and those witches with children had many sleepless nights worrying that their child would be next. Ruben says there’s no way he could let her out into the world, as she passes out on the floor, clutching the bottle she snagged against her chest.


Gia and Elijah approach a large Plantation-style house, Gia in a dress and carrying her violin case. The Butler lets them in and they approach Miss LaRue who gives Gia an apprising glance. Gia begins to play. With tears in her eyes as Gia finishes, Josephine pays Elijah an backhanded compliment – “You are as calculating as I have heard, Mr Mikaelson, having your companion play the very piece I once performed to great acclaim.” Elijah asks if she enjoys the piece. In response, Josephine says that the only reason she let them into her house is because she knows they are more powerful than she is, and it’s best not to offend those that are. Josephine dismisses them – rather snobbishly – and Elijah takes offense, saying he thought she would be more “cordial.” Josephine reminds him that since his family has returned to NOLA “our Elders have been murdered, promising young witches have been inhabited against their wills.” {Eva is “promising” after what we’ve heard, I think not!} Elijah says that he can bring an end to all of that and she doesn’t believe him, saying that she believes it as much as she believes she’ll ever play the violin again, and looks down at hands shaped more like claws from arthritis. She goes on to call Elijah and Gia “monsters wearing the skins of humans” and she dismisses them once again.


NewBekah is still gasping for air, trying to stand, and Ruben stands over her saying that “Jimson Weed is nasty stuff” and that it has been killing people since the Middle Ages. He tells her that her hallucinations will only get worse, and then the “pain will start.” NewBekah tells him that there’s something he needs to know about her, she’s Rebekah Mikaelson and she knows the antidote to Jimson Weed and she grabs something heavy and slaps him with it.


Elijah is still pleading for better decorum, but she just wants them to leave. Gia tells Josephine that she’s not the Queen of the witches, there are others who would be willing to help. She snarks that she got dressed up and learned Beethoven – she hates Beethoven – and begins to play something jazzy that she does like. {Eddie South, apparently.} Josephine knows the tune and calls Gia a “true jazz girl.” It seems that Josephine had planned to elope with a jazz musician, but when her mother found out (she looks down at what looks to be a scar on her hand) and says that, well, her mother wasn’t “pleased” at the thought. Josephine calls Gia’s candor “refreshing” and says that in her previous experience with vampires she’s found them to be more calculating than Gia. Elijah admits that he, sometimes, also likes Gia’s candor. Gia then speaks up for Elijah, calling him someone Josephine can trust because she does and she doesn’t trust easily. Josephine then agrees to hear what Elijah came to say.


Aiden appears to be walking in the cemetery. We hear a whoosh behind him, and a thud. Aiden turns to find Mikael behind him, covered in the blood of whoever he just killed. Mikael says that he prefers to drink vampire blood, but beggers can’t be choosers and all that. Mikael then tosses the heart of “one of your mangy spies” at Aiden’s feet. Aiden challenges Mikael saying that “Klaus will kill you” and Mikael begins to charge at Aiden. Freya calls him back, calling more bloodshed a “distraction.” She says they have other things to do, and then blows into her hands, causing a high-pitched whistle that causes Aiden quite a bit of pain . . . and then they are gone and Aiden is alone.


Elijah is looking through papers, presumably handed over by Josephine, saying that one of the witches that escaped the Foley Cottage is of “particular importance to my family” and his request of her is to tell her people to “leave her to me.” Josephine cautions Elijah, saying those witches are dangerous – that’s why they were put away – and Elijah insists that this witch “will cause you no further trouble.” He says in return for calling off her troops (if you were) he will track down all the other witches that escaped the Cottage and return them, safely, to her. He says to consider this the first step in a new “and mutually beneficial alliance” and hands her a stack of papers with EvaBekah’s picture paperclipped to the top. Josephine calls her by name (Eva Sinclair) and says she’s powerful “and sadistic.” Josephine says that if she is to give up Eva to Elijah, she requires someone equally powerful be given over to her. She says that the “Treme Coven wants Vincent Griffith returned.” (That’s Finncent, for those of you paying attention!) She doesn’t care how they get Finn out of him, they just want him back. “Consider it done,” Elijah says.


Back in the Cemetery, Klaus’s cellphone vibrates in his pocket. (Ever find yourself wondering what Klaus’s ringtone is? I do! Bet it’s “Werewolf in London!”) It’s Elijah, and he chooses to ignore the call, shouting for Finn instead. (Who else thinks they know how this is gonna go? Klaus is going to kill Finncent, and therefore Elijah’s recently sealed deal with the Treme Coven goes POOF!) Klaus yells that he knows Finncent is there, the wolves tell him that he’s been busy – digging up graves and violating corpses – and calls to his brother to come out, so that they can finish this. From the shadows behind him, comes Finncent, “Hello, Niklaus.” Klaus snarks that that pathetic greeting is going to be his last words, and approaches.


Finncent counters that Klaus’s “hubris knows no bounds” and, more or less, calls him stupid for challenging him in the cemetery because it is the very Holy ground from which the witches of the area draw their power. Klaus counters that the Ancestors don’t care about Finncent. Finncent agrees, but says that if they only “don’t like” him, they hate Klaus. Finncent then throws a HUGE fireball at Klaus and, at first, it looks as though Klaus was actually burning. However, it seems as though Klaus jumped to the top of a mausoleum just in time. Klaus accuses Finncent of being slow, and Finncent counters by throwing a grate at Klaus.


Slightly impaled, Klaus looks to be losing the fight. However, Finncent decides to insult Klaus by bringing up Mikael, and saying that Father was right about him being a “pathetic disappointment” which, of course, makes Klaus mad and gives him more motivation to fight on. Still impaled by the grate, Klaus asks if Finncent is really going to judge him when Finncent was the one that cursed/killed Kol for amusement. Klaus continues, bringing the fact that Finncent wanted to kill a baby into it as well. He pulls the grate out of his chest and then attacks Finncent, throwing him up against a mausoleum, stabbing him with a bar from the grate, and threatening to make him suffer for what he would have done to Hope, had he actually gotten to her. Just as Klaus goes to stab Finncent again, Elijah intervenes.


Elijah calls Klaus on the not answering the phone thing, and then tells him that he needs Finncent alive. Klaus does not like the idea of letting Finncent live, saying he doesn’t have time for Elijah’s “soft-hearted sympathies” and orders Elijah to stand aside.


Marcel comes to, next to an unconscious Ruben, with NewBekah searching through Ruben’s bag. She teases Marcel about his not coming ’round for so long and says that she found the antidote to the poison. She remembered her mother “prattling” on about it at some point. Marcel then sees Ruben and goes in for the kill. NewBekah stops him, saying he is only a father trying to protect his child from the witch she’s inhabiting. She says that, even though she was only a parent for a few months, she understands his instinct to protect his child. Marcel says that those months she was gone, he had thought she had just up and left NOLA without so much as a look back. Once he found out that she was away because she was protecting Hope, he says that he had to smile because she finally got everything she ever wanted. He says he was truly happy for her, even though he missed her. She admits that she wished Marcel had left with her, but was glad when she heard that Marcel and Klaus had made peace. She says that both her and Klaus have always been moved by “acts of loyalty.” She takes Marcel’s hand and thanks him for “bothering to give a damn about an old flame.”


Finncent lies on the ground, coughing up blood, while Elijah and Klaus argue about what to do with him. Elijah tells Klaus that the Treme Coven wants Vincent back, unharmed. Klaus asks what else they want “a parade, free broomsticks for all?” Elijah tells him that this alliance could be beneficial for everyone, but Klaus isn’t concerned with “currying some witch’s favor.” Freya comes around the corner and tells him that he should be. She tells them both that “witch allies can prove valuable.” Freya walks up to Finncent, and he calls her by name and begs for her help. She tells Finncent that she won’t let them hurt him, holds her pendant, and begins to chant. In a moment, Finncent is healed . . . but doesn’t know who she is. He’s back to being Vincent. She tells him to sleep – and he does – and Klaus demands to know what she’s done with Finn. She’s trapped him in her pendant!!!


She says that his hatred of them (Klaus and Elijah) can “no longer do damage to our cause.” Elijah asks “our cause?” and Freya says, “yes, ours.” She wants them to stop arguing long enough to listen to their “older sister” and the deal she has for them.


Klaus wants to know what Freya could possibly offer them besides “fairy tales and lies.” Freya doesn’t care what Klaus thinks of her, because she will always tell them the truth. If they doubt her, they need only remember that she’s the one that freed NewBekah from the Fauline Cottage (formerly the Foley Cottage, and the Witch Asylum), but Elijah counters that it was her that aided Finncent on his quest to kill Hope. Freya insists that the threat to Hope was all Finn, not her. She says the brother she remembers would never have hurt a child, that their mother destroyed him “like she did me, you, everything she touched.” Klaus isn’t buying the whole sibling solidarity thing. He says they don’t know her. So, she gives them the memory of her being ripped (well, sorta, Esther didn’t fight a whole lot) from her family and asks if they think she’s lying. Klaus says that that proves nothing but her abilities as a witch. Freya tries a different tact, saying that if she has woken, then Dahlia has too, and that means Hope is in danger. Freya says that Dahlia is strong enough to kill anyone and once she senses Hope’s magic she will be unstoppable until she has Hope.


Klaus still isn’t buying it, saying that its’s convenient that she shows up in the “nick of time to help us kill the woman with whom you have spent a thousand years?!” Freya tells him that he has no idea what she had to do to escape Dahlia, or what she lost to do so. Freya insists that Dahlia’s punishment will be “profound” and Elijah asks if Freya knows how to stop Dahlia. Freya says that with “the proper materials, yes.” She says that she’s sent Mikael to get the things she needs. Which, of course, sends Klaus into a rage. He can’t believe that she trusted Mikael, essentially, with the life of his child. Klaus goes to storm off, and Elijah calls him back, rationalizing that they need the knowledge Freya has to protect Hope. Klaus still isn’t buying what Freya is selling, and calls trusting her “idiocy” and tells him to go for it, and whooshes away.

Freya thanks Elijah for being kind to her. He says that he may believe in who she is, but that doesn’t mean he actually trusts her. She says that she looks forward to earning that trust, and then she walks away too.


We see some street performers in the Quarter and Hope’s cries drown out the sounds of the city. Hayley is trying to comfort Hope, but it doesn’t seem to be working. She begs Hope to stop crying “you’re giving me a complex” and when Jackson appears behind her, she asks him if she’s “the worst mother on the planet.” Jackson calls her a great mother, and takes Hope from her. He tells her that Aiden has come back, but that they “lost Jerrick” to Mikael. Hayley seems shaken, and Jackson says that they could have lost more men, but Aiden “played it right” by keeping all the wolves scattered instead of roaring in with the pack, calling it a smart move. Hayley says that well, Aiden learned from him, but Jackson counters that that wasn’t what he told Aiden to do. So, Jackson is doubting his abilities as a leader at the same time that Hayley is doubting her abilities as a mother. (And, by the way, Cami and Rebekah – two blondes – are the only people Hope has really known. Is it any surprise that Hope is reacting this way to this dark-haired stranger that is now caring for her?)


They both realize suddenly, that Hope has gone quiet. She’s fast asleep in Jackson’s arms, and he says that he told her he was good with kids. Jackson puts Hope down in her crib, and they both look down at her for a second before they start making out. They run from Hope’s room, and start making out on the bed.


NewBekah is looking through the paperwork that Elijah got from Josephine. It seems to be an awful list of things that Eva was accused of. Marcel says that it must be a good thing that Rebekah landed in her, then. (Remember, he has thing with people who hurt kids, and Eva hurt a lot of kids.) NewBekah says that it doesn’t matter what kind of person Eva was, she took over Eva’s body without Eva’s consent and she feels badly for it. Marcel won’t argue the point with her, calling it a “public service” but understanding why it is a bit complicated. He says that it makes sense, why she won’t kiss him – she counters that she still doesn’t want to – and Marcel doesn’t believe her.


Hope is in her crib, awake now, and giggling/gurgling happily as Klaus looks on. Hayley comes in, and tells Klaus that Jackson was the one that finally got her to stop crying. She’s in a bathrobe as they leave the room, and Klaus tells her that Finn is no longer a problem. He warns, though, that there are “other dangers on the horizon.” He tells Hayley that Mikael is on the loose again, and he wants her to send the pack looking for him. Hayley refuses, citing the loss of Jerrick as the reason why – she doesn’t want any more wolves to die.


Klaus reminds her that Mikael is a threat to their child, but Hayley doesn’t think so. She thinks Mikael is a threat to Klaus. She insists that the pack will protect Hope if Mikael comes to them, but she’s not sending the wolves out looking for him. Klaus reminds Hayley that “your pack, your friends, your husband are a necessary means to keeping our daughter safe” but that he isn’t running a “charity hostel” in the compound. He says that if the wolves are not fighting on his side, they will “not remain alive to fight at all.” Hayley threatens to take Hope and run if Klaus tries to use Hope to manipulate her again.



Vincent is asleep on a couch. In a voice-over, we hear Gia ask if that’s the man that Elijah was after. Elijah responds that Vincent is now free of Finn’s influence.  Elijah, taking off Gia’s coat, says that he wants to question Vincent and then he will release the witch to the Treme Coven. Gia jabs at Elijah for not thanking her for her help. Elijah responds that he was a little “tied up, trying to prevent Niklaus from being – well – Niklaus.” And then he echoes her words exactly – “nice job, Gia, really appreciate the help.” Elijah looks at the label of the beer in his hand, and Gia seems surprised that he likes beer. “I’m adapting to my audience,” he jokes.


Gia correctly surmises that Elijah knew Josephine would like her for her “candor” (aka spunk) and Elijah admits that he did, due to the person Josephine was when she was younger. He says that “circumstances” have taken away Josephine’s rebellious nature, and admits that if Josephine had known that Gia was coming, they wouldn’t have gotten in the front door. Gia asks if everything with him is being “10 steps ahead of the game” and Elijah admits that “victory is allowing your opponent to believe that they are triumphant till they’re not.” (Hahaha.) Gia reminds him who got them the deal, and Elijah gives her credit. They clink bottles and then Elijah . . . loosens his tie. WHAT? She echoes what she said earlier about needing a woman to mess things up for him and loosens it some more.


We realize that Gia is remembering this, because she’s now somewhere else.

Back in the memory, Gia says that he never said whether or not he likes her in the dress. Claiming the zipper is stuck, she asks him to help her out of it. There’s a lot of tension in the air as Elijah unzips her. And then he yanks it roughly down and begins kissing her neck. As the make-out session continues, Klaus’s voice begins a voice-over, too. “In every moment a choice exists. We can cling to the past or embrace the inevitability of change . . . (still making out) and allow a brighter future to unfold before us.


(Now we see Jackson and Hayley laying in bed with Hope playing between them.) Such an uncertain future calls for even more uncertain allies. (Freya has hung her pendant from the ceiling, and is looking at it lovingly.) Either way, a new day is coming, (and we see NewBekah asleep with all the Eva paperwork around her) whether we like it or not. (Marcel starts picking up the stuff from around her.) The question is will you control it, or will it control you? (Marcel puts an blanket over NewBekah.)


You know, for centuries, werewolf alphas have lived as kings of a frightened, cursed people (Klaus is telling Aiden this at the bar at Rousseu’s) forced to change every month on a full moon, but now your pack is cured.” Klaus continues, saying that now that the pack is at peace, Jackson is taking his leadership for granted. Klaus challenges that Jackson doesn’t see that they live in a new world now, and says that that’s why he thinks the wolves need a new leader – someone chosen by the wolves – to guide them into this new future. Klaus tells Aiden that he can help him become the new leader, and Aiden smiles and asks what’s in it for Klaus. He says that all he wants is Aiden and his pack to swear to protect Hope – that is all that he will ever ask because that is all that matters to him. Klaus tells Aiden to let him know when he’s ready, but reminds him that time is ticking away, meaning that tomorrow “is already here.”


The camera lingers on sleeping NewBekah as her eyes pop open. Next we see her walking up to two teenagers making out in the cemetery, telling them that they should know better it isn’t safe being out this late. She tells them that they don’t know who they might run into (and I start to wonder if this is Bex, or if all this has woken Eva) “ghosts, goblins . . . or Eva Sinclair” as the boy stands in front of the girl, trying to protect her. Eva slashes the boy’s throat (who is apparently named Sam) and then she attacks the girl, saying she’s not going to kill her, at least not until she’s taken “every little bit of your power” and starts carving on the girl’s forehead with a knife. Then we see a series of other teenage bodies at her feet, and all of their foreheads have been carved upon, too.

DUN DUN DUN. Looks like Eva has been woken up, and is back to her old tricks! So, it seems a battle for the body of Eva Sinclair is going to happen in the near future. And there’s still the impending Dahlia visit. And Klaus’s diabolical plan for Aiden (and overthrowing Jackson, it seems – Elijah should have stuck to shadowing his little brother’s every move like on the day of the wedding). And I can’t help but wonder what’s going to happen to Vincent now that he’s back to being just Vincent. And is Freya really going to leave Finn inside her pendant?  I really don’t think so, honestly.

Would love to hear your thoughts! Hit us up on Twitter at @tvdfansonline or comment below. We would LOVE to hear your theories as to what you think is going to happen next! (And you can’t blame me for thinking that Klaus would actually kill Finncent, even though they needed him alive . . . I mean, with that track record, can you blame me?)

Until next time!