The Originals: 2.14 “I Love You, Goodbye” Recap {{SPOILERS}}


I don’t know about the rest of you, but here in East Tennessee, we’ve been dealing with Icepocalypse followed by snow, and now sub-zero temperatures. I am so ready for Spring.

So, let’s get our recap on, and see if we can’t warm up with some Haylijah tension, a Hayson wedding, and goodness what all with a dying Koleb!

The episode starts with NewBekah introducing herself to Klaus, Freya revealing herself to NewBekah back at the Crazy Witch House (by the way, do you think the rest of the crazy witches got out, too?), Mary presiding over the ritual to make Jackson the Alpha of many more packs than just the one in the Bayou, and the vampire attack that happened somewhere in the middle. Afterward comes Hayley’s prediction that attacks like this (from Finn) are going to become more frequent . . . so her and Jackson need to get married ASAP. We’re reminded that Finn cursed Kol to be stuck in Caleb’s body, and oh yeah, to die (a “meaningless, lonely death”) without the ability to jump into someone else. We see Klaus warning Elijah that Finn is coming, as Finn walks in. We see Finn fling Mr Awesome Scruff around the house, and the hissing pipe that inspired Elijah’s next action. We’re reminded that maybe, just maybe – no, we’re positive – there’s something quite magical about Little Baby Hope with her seeming to stall out Cami’s car as they approach the house as, inside, Elijah explodes the house. (Don’t worry, Elijah’s fine.)


Hope is crying in the backseat of Cami’s SUV. Cami’s understandably freaking out, and trying to find a payphone because she left her cell in the house that just exploded. She pulls into a gas station, and gathers up Hope and some change to make a phone call. And, of course, because even though Cami isn’t Hope’s mom, she’s learning that being a Mommy is stressful . . . she drops all the coins. There’s a noise behind her. She freaks out, yells something about gouging out someone’s eyes, and then Mr Awesome Scruff reveals himself – looking delightfully disheveled – and herds her and the baby back to the SUV.


Relieving a little of the tension about Hope’s safety, the show switches gears showing Hayley shoving random clothes in a bag. She’s in full Panicked Mommy mode, determined to meet Elijah and Cami somewhere on the road between NOLA and Arkansas. Klaus isn’t having it. Klaus says they will deal with Finncent, but Hayley isn’t convinced. He’ll just body jump. Klaus says he has a plan, but in order to tell her what it is she needs to calm down. He reminds her that she’s getting married today, which will seal the loyalty of all the wolves that were once loyal to Finncent. She will become a Queen with an Army, “and a Queen does not run,” Klaus says.


Josh is recovering from the Super Sized Hungry spell with Davina. He vaguely remembers attacking Aiden, and Davina tells him that Aiden was actually up all night with Josh until a few seconds ago, when Marcel called to say that the spell had been broken. Josh says that Davina, Koleb, and Aiden really “saved my ass” and Koleb barges in, and tosses a “little go juice” (aka a blood bag) in Josh’s direction. It’s Koleb’s UNsubtle way of asking Josh to get out.


Davina gets all Bitchy Girlfriend on Koleb, asking him where he was yesterday, what he was doing, why he didn’t call, blah blah blah. He says he knew she was busy with Josh, and says that he wants to make it up to her by finishing that dagger that they’ve been working on.


Aiden and Jackson are looking out at the water, at what looks to be the end of the funerals for the Alphas that the Super-Sized Hungry Merry Men killed. Aiden says that this will lead to a lot of wolves wanting revenge on the vampires. Jackson assures him that he’ll make sure everyone knows that the witches were actually the ones behind this attack. Klaus walks up behind them, and tosses the bag that Hayley was frantically stuffing clothes in (which is now very bloody) at their feet. Looking unusually snazzy (read: SEXY), Klaus says that he’s come bearing gifts. It seems that, as a wedding present, Klaus has “removed the heads of the wolf leaders who refused to relinquish Finn’s moonlight rings.” So, yes folks, that’s a bag of werewolf heads. As a wedding present. Only Klaus could pull that off.



Klaus and Jackson argue over whose army this united pack of wolves will be, Klaus’s or Jackson’s, with Klaus pointing out that Hayley (because she bore his child) is considered a Mikaelson now, and, well, “what’s mine is yours, and what’s yours is mine” comes to mind. Klaus tells Jackson that the festivities (for the wedding) begin at 8 at the compound and that he “arrive early to clean yourself up. It’s your wedding day, for God’s sake.” (And that gorgeous smile as Klaus turns away . . . KILLS ME DEAD. But, before it killed me, my ovaries exploded. Just sayin’.)

Jackson turns to Aiden, and asks, “Am I crazy, or did he do his version of a nice thing?”


A faucet drips . . and a figure comes into view. It’s Freya, in what looks to be a morgue. Yep, dead guy on one table, body bag on the one in front of her. (I think we’re supposed to notice that she’s not wearing that blue stone around her neck.) Inside the body back is a very I’ve-just-been-in-a-house-that-exploded looking Finncent.

Koleb and Davina are getting things together to perform the spell on the dagger. They decide there’s no time like the present.

A close up of a gnarly looking Finncent reveals that he is, indeed, wearing Freya’s pendant.


We go back-and-forth between Davina and Koleb chanting while holding the dagger over a flame and Freya chanting and sprinkling salt over Finncent for a while.


Davina and Koleb gasp, dropping the dagger. Davina picks it up, and Koleb says that he thinks it worked. This somehow develops into a kiss, and then Davina puts down the dagger and goes for full make-out mode in .005 seconds. Freya is still chanting, and then Koleb suddenly gasps and his nose starts to bleed. Davina worries over Koleb, and Freya’s stone begins to glow, and then Finncent gasps awake, burns and all.


Davina asks Koleb if he’s alright, and Koleb shrugs it off as a side effect of the powerful spell they just did. He tells her to hide the dagger. He invites her to come along to Hayley and Jackson’s wedding, and she insists that he has to dance with her if there’s music. When Davina leaves to hide the dagger, Koleb makes a panicked phone call to NewBekah. He tells her that he needs a favor from her.


Down in the Quarter, Hayley’s looking through her closet presumably for something to wear to her wedding. NewBekah appears and tells Hayley that there’s a good news/bad news situation right now. The bad news is that NewBekah won’t be at the wedding, she’s got to help Koleb with something. The good news? NewBekah has a beautiful dress for Hayley to wear. NewBekah jokes that she’s the “only woman alive that’s collected wedding dresses over 5 centuries.” Hayley asks NewBekah if Marcel knows about NewBekah’s new look. NewBekah says no, but she isn’t sure how long she’ll be in this body anyway. NewBekah tells Hayley that no matter who she marries, she’ll always be a Mikaelson. “Gosh, that would be such a nice compliment if it didn’t link me to so many homicidal lunatics,” is Hayley’s response. (LOVE it)


Josh seems to be hanging out in an alley. Seems he was waiting for Aiden. Josh starts doing that nervous strining-words-together-without-breathing thing that he does so well, and Aiden hears none of it, going in for a massive hug. But, the sweet reunion turns sour as Aiden reminds us that this wedding links all the wolves with Hayley’s power to turn at will . . . therefore making the wolves so much more deadly to Josh and the rest of the vampires. Josh turns the tables on Aiden, claiming that the “werewolf VP” thinks that it would “look weird” to be seen dating a vampire. Aiden says that he’s more worried about their dating putting a target on Josh’s back. Aiden just wants to keep Josh safe. Josh snaps back that he can’t remember the last time he was “safe” and storms off.


The compound is looking very festive. Jackson looks around, and teases Hayley that he doesn’t belong in her world. Hayley admits that she wasn’t the type of girl who sat around thinking about the day she got married, but if she had it wouldn’t have looked much like this. Jackson asks if Hayley’s getting cold feet. She says she’s not, that this is what’s right for Hope, the pack. Klaus interrupts what could have been a sweet little moment between the two of them, saying that someone has arrived that would like to say hello. And in comes a cleaned up Mr Awesome Scruff, Cami, and a tuckered out Hope. Hayley’s shocked that he would risk bringing them here, but Klaus reassures her that, once the vows are said, this will be the safest place for Hope.

[HOLD UP. I distinctly remember someone (and I couldn’t tell you who) saying that the wolves wouldn’t get Hayley’s power until “a couple of weeks” after the ceremony . . . now it’s an instantaneous thing? Did anyone else catch that, or am I confused??]


Anyway, Klaus declares that this is “no more running, Queen.” And Hayley looks up to see Elijah looking at her. He smiles, and she looks uncomfortable. Instead of going to him, she grabs Hope from Cami. Hayley introduces Hope to Jackson and Elijah sees this happy little family beside him. (I feel so bad for Mr Awesome Scruff in this episode.)


Klaus is drinking. Mr Awesome Scruff walks in, surprised that Klaus isn’t happier about Hope’s being home. Klaus says that he is happy, as long as Elijah does nothing to talk Hayley out of going through with this marriage. Klaus says that “everyone” knows that Elijah is in love with Hayley, but she has a duty to this family, and so does he. Elijah is concerned that Hayley has been coerced into this. Klaus threatens, Elijah says that he won’t do anything “unless, of course, I learn that she was pressured into sacrificing her freedom in the name of some political alliance.” “Hayley is putting family first. I suggest you do the same,” Klaus responds. “Family is always first,” Mr Awesome Scruff says, and you can hear the weight of that statement in his voice.


Koleb and NewBekah are chanting, but it doesn’t seem to be going the way Koleb wants it to. His nose is bleeding again. Newbekah suggests that he calm down, it will help him focus. Koleb is resigned to the fact that there’s no beating Finncent’s curse. NewBekah challenges him to be the brother that she remembers, the one that laughed at death. Koleb admits that is much easier to do when you haven’t already died once. He admits, too, that he has liked being a witch instead of a vampire – it has it’s perks.


Hope’s playing on the floor as Hayley gets dressed. Hayley talks to Hope a little bit, tells her that Cami will be watching her while she does this “big thing.” She says that she’s not letting Hope out of her sight after that. Mr Awesome Scruff watches this exchange for a second and then lets Hayley know he’s there. The joy on Hayley’s face at seeing him is clear. When Hayley stands, it is also clear that she takes Elijah’s breath away. (I got something in my eye, hold on.) Elijah launches into this lovely speech about how he doesn’t want to stop her from doing this, but he wants to “tell you at least once -” but she doesn’t let him finish. She won’t let him say it.


Hayley says, “ever since the first moment I met you, I have felt everything for you, and all this time, you were never able to say how you feel about me, and I get it. You can’t just be the guy who says how he feels. But Jackson is. And I think that I can be happy with him, (there are tears in Elijah’s eyes) and I just want to be happy, Elijah.” And, Elijah does the one tear thing that Klaus has a patent on, but some how this one broke my heart even more. Hayley continues, “so whatever you were gonna say to me . . . please don’t say it.” Mr Awesome Scruff merely nods, and then turns and walks away. Hayley looks as though she’s going to break down.

[And my Haylijah heart just broke again. And this time, because of all the things (and people) that Elijah has had to give up for this family. I’m not against Hayley and Jackson, but I’m a sucker for forbidden or inconvenient love I suppose. Here Lies Haylijah. Will you remain buried? My Magic Eight Ball says “reply hazy try again.”]


Jackson is having all kinds of trouble tieing his tie. Aiden offers to help, Jackson refuses tossing the thing aside. They reflect on Ollie, and what he would have said if he was alive to see all this. Aiden asks if Jackson thinks the wolves will really be cool with the vampires. Jackson says that if they aren’t then “screw ’em” because he wants to move forward instead of holding on to old grudges. Jackson sees through Aiden’s question and Aiden admits that he isn’t asking Jackson for permission to date Josh. “Good, because I’m pretty sure we had the love is love talk when you were 17,” Jackson jokes. Jackson says that if Josh is good enough for Aiden, then it doesn’t matter. They wouldn’t be in this battle, if there wasn’t something to fight for.


Hayley appears in the doorway, and at Jackson’s “wow” Aiden awkwardly leaves. She spots the discarded tie and ties it for Jackson. She jokes that she’s getting a little nervous, and she “wanted to make sure you weren’t wearing a flannel tux.” He’s glad she came in, because he’s got a present for her. It’s a necklace, with a crescent moon pendant with a Moss Agate stone accent. Apparently, Moss Agate is Hayley’s “mineral totem” (aka birthstone) and it symbolizes “healing and courage” which seems appropriate, Jackson says, because of everything she’s done for their pack. He puts the necklace on her, and you can see that she’s touched.


Davina walks into the reception hall and looks around for Koleb, but doesn’t see him. Josh calls her over to sit next to him. Aiden walks in, and he and Josh lock eyes. Aiden asks Davina for her seat, and Davina gets up. There are some wolves watching, and taking note. Aiden holds Josh’s hand. (AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW)


Hayley walks in, and seems stunned when everyone stands, and turns to look at her. Jackson walks up beside her, and holds her hand. They walk up the isle, splitting to walk up separate staircases, again meeting in the middle before Mary. Mary begins the ritual, and Hayley looks around, finding Klaus looking on. When Elijah walks up beside Klaus, Hayley quickly looks away. Jackson and Hayley exchange vows (if you watch nothing else of this episode, the wedding is what you should watch) and Elijah takes a deep breath as Hayley and Jackson light their unity candle. Mary tells Hayley and Jackson that they have endured all the trials . . .

[HOLD UP #2: There was supposed to be some Callumus (or something) Root Smoking, wasn’t there? Did they just skip that, since they told each other their deep, dark secrets on their own? Why was this such a huge part of TWO episodes and then NADA?]


. . . and Jackson may kiss his bride. There’s an awkward moment, but the kiss is pretty awesome. Until you see Elijah’s face, anyway – he can’t watch. As Hayley and Jackson pull apart, their eyes both go Wolfy Gold. Then it happens to all the other wolves in the room as well. We see Aiden’s eyes glow and everyone (sans Elijah) seems jubilant.


Elijah calls Klaus out on the look on his face, he’s plotting. Elijah is suspicious because, in letting Jackson marry Hayley, Klaus has given up control of the wolves that he himself wanted to lead. Klaus admits that he doesn’t think Jackson strong enough to protect Hope, and says that Jackson’s reign will be short. Elijah threatens Klaus if he kills Jackson on Hayley’s wedding day (Elijah’s stress, not mine) and Klaus says that Jackson isn’t one of them because he’s mortal and “mortals perish.” Klaus goes to leave and Elijah pulls him back, asking Klaus to tell him his plan. Klaus counters with driving a knife into Elijah’s heart (not literally) by asking Mr Awesome Scruff how it feels to see the way Hayley looks at Jackson. Klaus presses Elijah, saying that Elijah secretly wants Jackson dead just as much as he does. “In fact I think you want it more,” is Klaus’s parting shot to his brother as he heads downstairs. Elijah is left pondering.


The wedding celebration has spilled out into the street, with Hayley and Jackson leading the parade. As they dance around each other, they pass under the balcony where Klaus is standing. Elijah sneaks up behind him. Klaus asks if Elijah is going to chaperone him all night. “Chaperone, steward, baby-sitter, whichever term tickles your fancy most, brother,” is Elijah’s snarky response. Mr Awesome Scruff tells Klaus that he’s allowed to do whatever he wants, as long as he refrains “from any homicidal behavior.” “Just one day back and you’ve already more than fulfilled your quota for irritating brotherly conduct,” Klaus snarks back. (I like them better like this. Working together makes me nervous, bickering is comforting somehow.)


Elijah dares Klaus to harm Jackson as long as he “brings even an inkling of joy into Hayley’s life.” And they bicker some more. Elijah reminds Klaus that if he kills Jackson, the wolves will fall into chaos. He accuses his little brother of acting out of fear, scared that Jackson will be a better father than he is. He says that even Klaus admitted that he might have been a better person if he’d been raised by Ansel, and Klaus is afraid that a better father figure has just entered Hope’s life. Klaus turns the tables, yelling at Elijah for psychoanalyzing him when he’s still dealing with the after-effects of his time in the crypt with Lenorsther.

In his best I’m-so-angry-I-could-rip-out-your-heart voice, Elijah says “I have stood by you, and I have defended yo for as long as I can recall, but in the name of your daughter and her mother, I will not watch you commit this evil.” {I really don’t want even another partial season without Elijah!!! Don’t tell me he’s leaving!!!! Although, Daniel and Rachel did just have their second child . . . }


Josh and Davina are part of the crowd in the parade, and Davina brings up that Koleb didn’t show. Josh gives her a twirl, and then Davina sees Koleb – clearly unwell – leaning up against a wall in an alley. Davina goes over to him and, frankly, he looks like death. She holds his hand, and he is ice cold. Koleb tells her that Finncent cursed him when they went to rescue Josh, and Davina totally gets what this means.


Cami’s holding Hope, and Klaus walks into the room. Apparently, Hope had been crying and he came to investigate. Cami says she’s probably just teething. Klaus thanks her for taking such good care of Hope, and Cami says that Hope is pretty “low-maintenance.” Cami asks if he wants to hold her, and Klaus nearly blanches at the idea. Cami encourages him to, saying “Happy mom, happy dad, happy baby.”


Downstairs, the festivities have come back inside. Hayley and Jackson are dancing, and Josh and Aiden are talking. Josh is about to say something about their relationship not being easy, when Aiden plants a big wet one on him.

Hayley and Jackson become the center of attention again, as flower petals start to rain down on them. Elijah is looking on from the balcony.


Klaus walks in, holding Hope, and calls everyone to attention. He asks Hayley to join him in proposing a toast. Hayley looks nervous, but goes to Klaus and takes Hope from him. Klaus reminds everyone of their having a daughter that they lost . . . but now she has returned home. “Her name is Hope,” he murmurs, telling everyone that she will live there among them as part of her pack and family. He asks everyone present to protect, teach, and love her as one of their own. He raises a glass to Jackson (sharing a look with Elijah) and invites him (and Hayley) to live there in the compound (Elijah is really suspicious now) and welcomes him to the family. Elijah cannot fathom what Klaus is doing – or is that fear of having to see the happy family together every day on his face?


Davina is in panic mode, trying to find a spell to break Finncent’s on Koleb. NewBekah says that they need to find a way to jump him out, because the body he’s in is dying. Koleb asks to have a moment alone with Davina, and NewBekah leaves. Koleb wants to give her the dance that they missed at the wedding.


Mr Awesome Scruff is clearly trying to escape, when Hayley walks up behind him. They make small talk about the ceremony, and she thanks him for being there. Elijah announces that he is going to join Marcel across the River (in Algiers) in the interest of maintaining the peace that the ceremony brought. He thinks he can provide instruction to the Merry Men. Hayley objects, calling the compound his home. “In my long, long life I’ve called many places home, Hayley,” he says. She says that Klaus’s invitation was a surprise to her, but it doesn’t mean that Elijah needs to take his Awesome Scruff across the river, either. As Elijah turns away from Hayley, NewBekah appears, clearly something is wrong.


Klaus is watching Hope play (or perhaps try to fall asleep) in her crib, and Elijah walks in. Klaus accuses him of continuing to baby-sit him, but Newbekah tells him that she couldn’t save Koleb. NewBekah doesn’t think Koleb will last the night.

Gia and Marcel are downstairs, enjoying the party. Marcel and NewBekah lock eyes across the room, and Gia asks if he knows “that girl.” Marcel thinks that he might.


At the cemetery, Koleb and a sobbing Davina are still dancing. He tries to talk about the stars to distract her, and she fusses at him for joking. Koleb says that because, under the same stars, there’s another guy who’s with his girl and they have all the time in the world. “And I hate him,” he says, which actually gets a bit of a laugh . . . or was that a harder sob? Koleb starts coughing, and says that he wants to be alone for the end and heads for the crypt. From the shadows, Elijah says “I’m afraid that’s not an option.” (Gosh darn it, I have something in my eye again!!) Klaus and NewBekah are there, too.


Hayley and Jackson have discovered that the guests are starting to leave, and that they are alone . . . and it’s their wedding night. AWKWARD! Jackson says that he’d understand if all she wants to do is watch Hope sleep all night, it sounds fine to him. Hayley says that there’s something else she should have said when she said that this wedding was the right thing for their pack. She says that she should have said that when she first came to NOLA she was scared, preggers, and basically alone. She remembers one night, seeing a wolf in the woods, and she knew that she was safe from that point on. She tells Jackson that she’s trusted him since she first saw him, and that she appreciates that he never made her feel weird for being a hybrid, and didn’t ask a bunch of questions about why she had to lie about Hope. He says that he loves her, and he meant it. She admits that that was the first time anyone’s ever said that to her (IF YOU HADN’T’VE STOPPED ELIJAH…..) and she wants him to know that she didn’t marry him for the wolves, she married him for her. And he pulls her to him, and they kiss.


Koleb is really getting bad, but his brothers and sister are there supporting him. “All my life, all I ever wanted was you lot to care about me,” he says, as Klaus cradles his head, looking like he’s about to cry. Koleb starts coughing and all three of them support him. NewBekah puts his head in her lap and tells him that when he dies, this time, he’ll die a witch and once his body is consecrated he’ll be a spirit, and those spirits can be brought back. She promises him that she won’t leave the body she’s in until she finds a way to bring him back. (So much for Claire Holt coming back. *sigh*) Davina’s nearby, chanting over some beads. She says she tried a different spell, but it doesn’t seem to have done anything. Koleb tells her that he isn’t scared. (Ok, now I admit I don’t have something in my eye . . . I’m freaking sobbing.) Elijah is fighting back tears as well, and Koleb chuckles one last time, and then he’s gone.


Finncent sits up on the table, where he was in a body bag not so very long ago. He asks Freya what she did, and she says that she healed him. (DUH!) She says she used her pendant – a talisman to focus her power – to do it. They reminisce about when they were kids, and she’d protect him then too. Freya says that they will need to protect each other, especially if Dahlia has sensed the baby isn’t dead. Finncent explains that Klaus used magic to cloak the baby, and Freya explains that that is what will lead Dahlia here. (We see Hayley holding Hope, Jackson watching.) Freya explains that Esther’s magic was nothing compared with Dahlia’s, and Dahlia will come . . . and she will take what’s hers. (The last shot is of Baby Hope in her mother’s arms.)


So, what do you think? Will Elijah really leave? Will Klaus react the way he usually does to losing something he cares about (aka, who’s gonna die?)? How will Davina react to having a second love ripped from her? Will she renounce magic? Will she immediately lash out at Klaus? Or will seeing the way Elijah, Klaus, and NewBekah comforted Koleb at the end change her mind about what she wants to do? Will she focus on Finncent, missing the coming storm that is Dahlia? How long until Dahlia actually shows up?

These questions, and more, we will have to ponder through another Hellatus, I’m afraid. The next new episode, 2.15 “They All Asked For You” airs on March 9th. Only a two-week Hellatus, but a Hellatus none-the-less!