The Originals 2.10 “Gonna Set Your Flag On Fire” Recap {{SPOILERS}}


So so SO happy this show is back. Something to look forward to on a Monday was sorely missed!  The biggest question on my mind . . . did Lenorsther drink that blood bag? Wonder if we’ll find out, or if we’ll just get 500 more questions in place of that one?  (Like how is Klaus going to find Rebekah??)

Anyway – let’s get started!

Klaus introduces the episode. Lenorsther gives her “I’m going to heal our family” speech. Klaus proposes that Finncent and Koleb join him against Lenorsther, but says he’ll take just one. (Thinly veiled threats are one of his strong suits.) Finncent goes off on Cami, saying he’ll kill every vampire in New Orleans – and anyone who should try to protect them. Hayley tells Elijah she has to marry Jackson – AND MY HAYLIJAH HEART IS CRUSHED – and then it grows three sizes because HOT! Rebekah accepts Lenorsther’s crazy body jump proposal, and then realizes Lenorsther didn’t tell her everything. Klaus stabs Mommy Dearest in the throat, and she wakes up a vampire-in-transition, with Klaus tossing a blood bag at her. Rebekah’s empty body lies on a couch at the compound, Marcel caressing her hair. Koleb tells Davina that his trick – moving Rebekah to someone unexpected – has put Rebekah in a safe place. Rebekah wakes up . . . not herself, and trapped in a witch loony bin (by the looks of it).


The episode begins with Little Momma Wolf picking up Baby Hope, with Klaus’s voiceover, “It has been said that all love begins, and ends, with she who gave us life. A thousand years ago, my mother turned us into monsters, yet still claimed to love her children, even as she vowed to destroy us. The noble Elijah, tormented by long-buried shameful secrets.”

{Forgive me, here, but this needs to be translated word-for-word . . . because of all of its beautiful torment.}

While Klaus is talking, Haylijah is having a really wonderful domestic/sexual tension moment. Elijah scrambling eggs, and Hayley buzzing around him in the kitchen with Hope on her hip. Elijah leans in, and tension builds, but he chooses instead to kiss Hope on her little peach-fuzzy head. ADORABLE! When Klaus mentions “shameful secrets” we see Elijah flashback to killing Tatia, and all those people at the diner. He goes from scrambling eggs to looking like something out of Psycho with the wisk.


Klaus continues, “Kol, the wily troublemaker . . . out for no one but himself.”

Koleb and Davina share a pretty hot kiss while Klaus mentions Kol.


“Finn, the devoted acolyte. His love all too easily warped by our mother’s sick hate.”

Finn dabs at a vampire-bite wound on his neck, looking in a mirror. He turns to see Mikael, whom he nods to. Assuming a nod of “thanks, Dad, from freeing me from the Shackles of Do No Magic and the coffin.”


“Fierce Rebekah, willing to risk everything on the chance that she might one day find happiness. And me, the bastard child,”

Rebekah’s body still lies on the couch.


Lenorsther struggles with her vampire-in-transition-ness.

“my mother’s greatest shame. Now finally, we have defeated her,”

She stares down the blood bag, shaking with need.

“giving her the choice she never thought to give us, to live on as one of the monsters she created . . .”

Klaus now talking to Cami ” . . . the slow, agonizing death she so deserves.”


Cami says she’s worried about Finncent, since she kinda did some back-stabbing of her own to land him in the Shackles of Do No Magic. Klaus assures Cami that she’s safe here (Arkansas, where Hope is) – and I get a BIG OL’ FEELING OF FOREBODING! Klaus introduces Baby Hope to Cami, who is significantly shocked, since she thought the baby had died at the hand of the witches. He swears her to secrecy, and Cami coos over Baby Hope with Little Momma Wolf.


Klaus wants to deal with the “lingering problem of Finn” and Cami is scared of what Finn will do once he learns of Lenorsther’s fate. Klaus and Hayley are going back to NOLA to deal with Finncent, leaving Elijah and Cami there with Baby Hope. (AND WHAT IF ELIJAH GETS COFFEE ON HIS CUFFS AGAIN, WITH A HUMAN AND A BABY IN THE HOUSE, KLAUS?! I’m thinking this is a pretty BAD IDEA in the land of REALLY BAD IDEAS.) “A single violent outburst at a filthy roadside cafe, and one never hears the end of it,” says Elijah. Klaus wants Cami to help Elijah through the side effects of his time with Lenorsther. Klaus says Angelica Barker (aka REBEKAH IS NOT HERE lady) will find her way here to them once she has severed ties with Angela’s family, etc. He leaves, saying they should expect Rebekah soon.


Restrained to a bed, and force-fed medications, NEW Rebekah is protesting that she shouldn’t be here. Big Burly Orderly Dude that forced the meds on her (those are the GOOD sleeping meds, they take 3 seconds to knock you out), undoes her restraints and heads out of the room.  We’re shown a slew of crazies wandering around the halls . . .


Finncent pounds on, and breaks a skull, putting the shards in a mortar, to grind with a pestle. He rails against his siblings, threatening them should they have done anything to his precious mother. Mikael says that Esther’s problems started when she thought there was anything worth saving in his siblings. Mikael wants to destroy them all. Finncent is on board with that, starts flattering his father about being strong . . . and talks about how he could use that very strength. (The choice of music here tells me that Finn will be using that strength, but maybe not the way Mikael thinks.)



In the Quarter, Jackson apparently agreed to meet Hayley at the compound. He jokes that he proposed, and then she left for three days, “good thing I’m a secure guy – sort of.” Hayley asks if he’s ready (and uses a bunch of metaphors for marriage in the process) and Jackson tells her it is not that simple. (Of course not.) Jackson gives her a list of things they need to perform the ceremony: a shaman, trials to endure, devotion rituals. And Hayley doesn’t like the sound of the last one at all. Jackson says he’s looking forward to getting to know Hayley a little better. A deep moment (or the potential for one) interrupted by someone coming in that Hayley wants Jackson to see.


Aiden has brought the “most influential wolves” to the compound, to get them talking . . . about Marcel and his new pack of merry men. Of course, the most leader-y of the wolves (Jerick) and Marcel have to have the typical stand-off in the middle of the room.


And NEW Rebekah wakes from her forced slumber. Well, well, well, those weren’t fast-acting sleeping pills. It seems New Rebekah didn’t swallow them. She spits them out in her hand. Someone walks in, and she stashes the pills under her pillow. It’s Cassie!! (The first person that Esther hitchhiked.) Cassie knows who NEW Rebekah is. New Rebekah wants to know why no one believed her when she screamed it the other night. Cassie tells NEW Rebekah that she knows a thing or two about the Mikaelsons and how they body jump, because Esther did it to her. NEW Rebekah pulls Cassie into her room and shuts the door. NEW Rebekah wants to know how to break out, Cassie says that it isn’t possible. NEW Rebekah doesn’t buy it. Cassie says people have made it out, but not alive. (DUN DUN DUN)


Koleb picks up a picture of Rebekah, and smiles and laughs. Klaus appears in his doorway, apparently Koleb is settling in at the compound. Klaus has brought Koleb a gift – La Fee Verte – and Koleb jokes “ding-dong the witch is dead, or undead, whatever” and the bottom of the bottle blows out, as Finncent storms in.


Klaus and Koleb quip about Finncent looking “peaky” {translation from British English, to American English, “peaky” means “slightly ill or pale”} Finncent demands to know what they’ve done with Lenorsther. Klaus says she’s safe. Finncent leaves, but not until he makes sure they know this isn’t over.


Hayley is addressing the wolves. She knows they want freedom, and she wants them to stay because she knows how to free them. She says that they need all the help they can get, and that’s why Marcel and his Merry Men are there. Marcel says they are going to stand with the wolves against the witches. All he wants in return is peace between them after the wedding. Jerick reminds everyone that Marcel is the one that spent the last 100 years running them off and cursing them. Marcel says that that sounds like a pretty good reason to stay and listen.


Finncent bursts in, snarking that the “mongrels and parasites” are “brokering a truce” and that he doesn’t think it will last. He says that the “only thing that can exist between your two degenerate species is hatred, war, and death.” As he walks through the doorway, he blows through his fingers and touches the wall. The entire place shakes (and the picture goes spell-wonky). Finncent smiles, and Gia goes in for the attack, but she starts to burn when she reaches the threshold. Finncent thinks confining them together will prove his point.


Klaus pushes against the invisible barrier, and his hand burns. Koleb can’t believe Finncent trapped them all inside. Klaus says that this “means we have a witch problem. You’re a witch. Fix it.” Klaus reminds Koleb that he’s the only human in a compound filled with vampires who will eventually get hungry, so he’d best get on it. Koleb says he’ll need help.


Marcel has Josh and Aiden (WHOOHOO!!) checking all the doors, windows, etc. Gia wants to know if he can find someone to “manage this guy Jerick’s attitude.” Marcel wants Gia to drop the “tough girl” ‘tude and watch the rest of his Merry Men so that they don’t go starting anything. Hayley comes in as Gia leaves, asking Marcel if he’s got any ideas on how to keep this situation from turning bad. His plan? “Drink and hopefully blow off a little steam.” (Again with the BAD IDEA from the land of REALLY BAD IDEAS?) He tosses Hayley a bottle, she knocks it back, and heads back out to the crowd.


Elijah is leaving what seems to be another message for Rebekah. He seems desperate for her to call. Cami opens a cupboard behind him “Yahtzee!” She found the booze. Elijah’s game, but wants to know what they are to do after that. He thinks her plan is to get him drinking so he’ll open up to her, bear his soul, blah, blah, blah. He says it isn’t a good plan. Cami counters with some snark about Esther doing a number on them. Cami suggests that perhaps she isn’t drinking with him so he can open up, but so that she can drown her own issues. “Booze and board games is pretty much where I’m at right now,” she says. She starts playing, but Elijah isn’t having it. So, she asks about Hayley. “Rocinate,” Elijah says, which is the answer to the trivia question that Cami asked and grabs the bottle. Cami smiles.


Back at the compound, Hayley and Klaus look on as Gia weaves through the crowd. Klaus asks her if she’s worried about the wolves and then snarks about Elijah and her visit being “curative” to him. She tries to deflect, but it doesn’t work. Klaus says that they both “had a certain glow about you all morning” and he’s happy that they got it out of their system. They share a cute laughing moment, and back to business as Jackson enters the picture. Klaus asks if Hayley feels guilty, but tells her that she shouldn’t tell Jackson about Elijah because the strongest foundations are not built on love, but “the decency of merciful lies.”


Cassie is telling NEW Rebekah a bit about the house where they are trapped. She says there’s lots of versions of the story, but that it always starts the same way – with the imprisonment of Astrid Malchance and Mary-Alice Claire in this house, by Klaus. She says that, after that, the coven started dumping witches here that are “broken by magic” like here. New Rebekah wonders if they just lock them up and throw away the key. Just then, a woman begins to scream and Burly Orderly Dude is restraining her and drags her off. NEW Rebekah asks who the folks are that have the scars. Cassie says they are “The Kindred” and they were all dabbling in Dark Magic, so their coven dumped them here and they put themselves in charge. NEW Rebekah says that they’re still witches, they still have magic, all they need to do is send “a little distress signal” and we see some Scrabble letters being moved around by two witches nearby.


Davina walks in, and looks around at the threshold of the compound. She reaches out to touch the invisible barrier, and Koleb stops her. They put their hands up, either side of the barrier, and begin to chant.  The barrier shocks them both, and they jump back. The wolves and vampires look on. Klaus demands to know that that solved their little problem. Not so much, Klaus. Davina believes that Finncent is channeling something which is keeping the power of the spell going – a Dark Object maybe. Um. No. He’s channeling Mikael. Duh.


And, to prove that, Finncent is telling Mikael about his little foray into the compound and, yep, there lies Mikael in the middle of one of those spell circles like Papa Tunde used! TOLD YOU. Finncent tells the dessicating Mikael that their enemies have no idea what they are up against now, and then drains some more power from him.


Cami and Elijah are continuing their game. She’s trying to stump him with obscure questions, but he’s answering all of them – and correctly, too. They are still drinking as well. She makes a big fuss about whether or not he really knew who rode Secretariat to win the Triple Crown in 1973. She’s clearly drunk, and in her fuss, she knocks some of the booze onto Elijah’s shirt sleeve. UH OH. Oblivious, Cami hands him a towel, and goes about finding another trivia question for him. As he’s drying himself off, Cami notices he’s rubbing REALLY HARD at the stain. She tries to get his attention, and he SUDDENLY grabs her arm. They stare at each other for a moment, Elijah claims he isn’t quite that fragile, and Elijah’s cell phone rings. (SAVED BY THE BELL, CAMI!!) It’s Rebekah. Well, no, actually it isn’t. He apologizes for repeatedly dialing the wrong number, hangs up, and looks puzzled.


He calls Klaus, and tells him that Angelica Barker is “still very much herself.” Klaus tells Elijah to stay put, he’ll handle it, and the culprit (Koleb) is standing right behind him, listening. Koleb asks if everything is alright, as Klaus hangs up. Klaus tells him that it will be, once Koleb finds a solution to the Trap-Everyone-Inside Spell. Koleb says he may have found a solution, but he needs stuff from the Lysee (Lenorsther’s lair) and he bets Finn is holed up in there. Koleb says the best way to lure Finncent out, is for Klaus to tell Finncent where Mommy Dearest is.


Jackson and Hayley come in, Jackson thinks something is going on. Hayley wants to do this “marriage” thing right, starting with honesty. (OK! DID THE WITCHES CAST A “LET’S MAKE BAD DECISIONS” SPELL ON EVERYONE?? DO NOT TELL HIM, HAYLEY!!!) She starts talking, and I just wanna SMACK HER. She tells him that, when she was gone, she was with Elijah. (DO NOT DO IT, HAYLEY) And then she stresses “with Elijah.” (And *headdesk* Do you REALLY want this unification thing to work, Hayley? Damn.) Jackson does not take it well. He asks if she’s in love with Elijah . . . and her silence tells him that she is. Hayley says that it doesn’t matter, what they’re doing is more important. Jackson (Stop calling him “Jack” please, it doesn’t fit him) calls it a “sacrifice” for her, and she says that isn’t what she said, but that word lingers in the air for a bit, and Jackson walks off.


Josh and Aiden are examining nooks and crannies looking for alternate exits that Finncent’s spell might have missed. Josh calls it the “Witch Bubble of Doom” and pushes Aiden against the wall. MAKE OUT SESSION COMMENCING!!! Aiden is worried someone might see, Josh says he doesn’t care if someone sees him “making out with my boyfriend” and then realizes he just upped their relationship stakes.  Oops! Aiden is worried what the wolves might take this relationship . . . differently . . . than they would like. Aiden reminds Josh what Marcel (and his Merry Men) did to the wolves for 100 years. Josh reminds him that he was no part of that, but Aiden says that that attitude hasn’t changed much for the wolves. The vampires are the “bad guys” to them.


The screen does that “the witches are casting a spell” thing, and Josh goes all blurry-eyed. All he can focus on is Aiden’s pulse in his neck. Finncent is working a spell – and it looks like he’s really trying to force this war into fruition, and NOW. (Fight it, Josh!!) Josh says that something’s wrong with him, and he needs to get away from Aiden.


Josh goes to Marcel, still looking “peaky” and tells him that all he can think about is blood, like when he first turned – only 100 times worse. As Finncent dumps the entrails of something into his spell, Gia doubles over, then Marcel starts to feel the effects of it as well. Klaus bursts in, telling them that “your vampires seem to think its lunchtime.” Josh calls it “super-sized hungry” and reminds them that there are wolves just the other side of that door . . . and sees Aiden. Klaus looks really worried. (DUN DUN DUN)


Finncent answers his phone – it’s Klaus – and wonders if Klaus is calling “to concede.” Klaus says that he just wants to negotiate. “You want our mother, and I want out of this bloody compound.” Finncent counters that he would rather eliminate the entire vampire population. Finncent says that if the vampires even attempt to feed, they will become “ravenous, unable to stop.” “Esther for our freedom. Do we have a deal?” Klaus asks. Finncent, understandably, doesn’t trust Klaus at his word. If he finds Esther unharmed he will consider releasing the vampires and werewolves from the Witch Bubble of Doom.

“Saint Roch Number One, the Delphine Tomb,” says Klaus.


Scrabble letters are being placed. “SOS RMIKEALSON WTCHASYLM” is spelled out. NEW Rebekah says that all she needs to do is send this message to her brothers. NEW Rebekah wants Cassie to help her with the spell, because she doesn’t know what she’s doing. She says that the pills they force on them are “Loeblia Flower” which makes it hard for them to concentrate. “You’re a Harvest Girl for God’s sake. Now pull yourself together!!” (Glad to know Rebekah hasn’t lost anything of herself with the switch!!!) They join hands over the letters, and Cassie starts the chant, with NEW Rebekah joining when she knows the words. Wind builds up in the room, and then a Nurse Person bursts in, scaring them into stopping, saying it is time to eat. As they walk away, something scatters the letters. (*cue Twilight Zone music*)


Tensions are rising in the compound. Marcel tells Koleb that he needs to move a little faster with the breaking of the spell. Koleb says that Finncent’s spell is too strong for them to break, but they might be able to cause a distruption in it. He says that, if it works, all witchy stuff in the compound would lose its power for 60 seconds. Klaus stresses the “all witchy stuff won’t work” part, which means all the Daylight Rings won’t work. Klaus suggests waiting until nightfall, but Marcel doesn’t think his Newbie Vamps Merry Men can resist eating that long.



Elijah, standing at a window, is breathing heavily, trying to steady himself. He flashes back to chasing Tatia to the Red Door for a second. Cami comes in and asks if he’s ok. He is clearly NOT OK. He advances on her, threateningly, and she begs him to calm down. He keeps coming. She braces herself . . . and he whooshes away.


NEW Rebekah is trying the window as an escape plan. No dice. It won’t open. She mutters “Kol” under her breath, and then the Scrabble tiles begin to move on their own. “WHO ARE YOU” say the tiles. “I’m Rebekah bloody Mikaelson. Who the Hell are you?” NEW Rebekah asks the tiles. The screen goes “spell wonky” and a girl, looking very Cousin It-like, appears – but just for a moment.


NEW Rebekah is scared and Burly Orderly Dude and Scary Lady Nurse are suddenly standing in the room with her. She tells them what she saw, but they don’t react. When the Orderly approaches, she tries to explain, but in running from him she exposes her stashed pills. Burly Orderly Dude attacks her, NEW Rebekah bites him in their fight, and throws the Scary Lady Nurse into the wall. She spares a second to say that the blood is “disgusting” and runs. Cousin It Lady appears to her again, leading her up the stairs. “Here’s hoping you’re a friendly ghost,” NEW Rebekah says and follows.


A stone wall explodes and Finncent bursts through, finding Lenorsther. He’s surprised she isn’t dead. He says he’s come to save her, and she says that she knew he’d come. (DUH!) She looks at him lovingly, touches his face, and then her eyes go TVD-Vamp on him. He notices the drained blood bag on the floor, and backs away in horror.


Koleb and Davina are casting a circle, while tensions continue to rise in the Witch Bubble of Doom. Aiden goes in to break up the fight, a chair gets smashed, and he gets slashed across the arm with a sharp end. This, of course, makes the surrounding Super-Sized Hungry vampires salivate. Marcel holds Random Vampire Dude back, and Josh’s attentions set on Aiden’s wound. All he can hear is Aiden’s heartbeat, as his eyes go TVD-Vamp. Klaus ducks in and distracts Josh at just the right second. As Marcel wrestles with the hungry vamp, he yells for Davina to start the spell.

Candles are lit, Koleb and Davina look ready to go.


NEW Rebekah has run up the stairs after the Cousin It-Like Girlie Ghost. The Ghost goes through a door at the top of the stairs, she follows, but the door won’t open. NEW Rebekah is frustrated because her human body can’t break down the door. She goes to walk away after her little temper tantrum (Dude, I’d be pissed, too) and the door creaks open on it’s own. NEW Rebekah walks into the room . . . and discovers a very dusty coffin in the center of the small room.



The top of the coffin looks glass, and NEW Rebekah can sort of make out the girl who’s ghost she’s been seeing. Yep, definitely her rosary beads. Footsteps distract Rebs-not-Rebs from the coffin and she goes to investigate. (Have you not seen any horror movies, Rebs?  Geez. Bad Idea Central up in here.) The footsteps lead her away from the Coffin Room, and the door slam shut again behind her. A large, blonde orderly blocks her path. Instead of fighting this time, Rebs-not-Rebs goes willingly with him.


Lenorsther begs Finncent to understand that she fought the blood lust as long as she could, but he won’t even look at her. Finncent calls her a hypocrite. He’s angry with her for saying that she wants to cleanse the family of the vampire scourge, but then refuses to resist the temptation to feed when she’s turned. He says that it was always her “conviction” that moved him to follow her down this path to cleansing the family. He says he would have done anything for her, but now . . . she would want him to finish what they started . . . and he starts strangling her.


Davina and Koleb are chanting, hands facing each other on either side of the barrier. Something blows away their salt and their candles. Hayley and Klaus look on. Davina looks around, and then puts her hand up as if to touch the barrier. Koleb warns her, grabbing at her instinctively, and their hands touch! They did it! Hayley yells for JackSON (I will NOT call him Jack) and the wolves start filing out. Koleb reminds them that they have 60 seconds to get everyone out. Aiden leaves, with a lingering look at Josh, who appears to be staying.


Klaus then grabs Koleb, throwing him back inside the compound. He says he no longer has to treat him “like anything but the treacherous liar” he really is. Davina looks concerned. (The Super-Sized Hungry vampires are still inside – where Klaus just tossed the human Koleb.) Klaus demands to know where “she” is. (Rebekah, duh) Davina begs Klaus to let Koleb leave, but Klaus says he should have thought about that before he betrayed Rebekah. Klaus states that Rebekah never made it to her new body, did she, and “considering you cast the spell, and, well, you’re you, I’d hardly call it an uncrackable case.” (Yeah, Klaus, but time’s a ticking!) Koleb tells Klaus that Rebekah is fine, it was just a prank in pay-back for all the things they’ve done to him, and he charges Klaus. Oops, barrier’s back up! Koleb’s pretty face burns when he hits it.


Klaus, ever the one to point out the obvious, reminds Koleb that those vampires in there look mighty hungry. Klaus says he was willing to welcome him back, and this was the thanks he got. He tells Koleb that it didn’t take long for him to go back to his “petty jealousies” of 100 years ago, and that Klaus hopes (sarcastically) that those will keep him safe in there with the ravenous vampires. (DO NOT KILL KOLEB OFF!!!  Unless, of course, that means that Nathaniel Buzolic gets to come back . . . then OK!)


Davina resorts to her little girl whine, and begs Marcel to protect Koleb. Marcel tells Koleb to “make yourself scarce” and shoves him away from the gathering vampires. Davina still looks worried as the picture fades.


Hayley is sitting near a fire, and Jackson walks up and says that he knew everything was going to go to Hell once Klaus offered him a Daylight Ring. Hayley doesn’t want to hear the word “ring” ever again. Jackson looks down, and in his hand is a GORGEOUS engagement ring. (Oh boy . . . ) “Maybe just one more,” he says, and hands her the box. He apologizes for acting like an ass earlier, saying that she was only trying to be honest with him, and he should have done the same with her from the beginning.


He says that he loves her, that he thinks he always has, and every new thing that he learns about her makes him love her even more. (Ugh. Can I have Haylijah back, please? But I still want Jackson around so I can hear him talk.) He says he’ll never force her to love him, he knows they are just going through with all this for the pack. He says that he wants to marry her, warts and sleeping with Elijah, and all, and that he hopes she’ll marry him. She touches his face, and nods yes, and he puts the ring on her finger.


Klaus is in the cemetery. He’s on the phone, telling someone that they need to trust him, he’ll handle finding Rebekah. Elijah is angry that he’s being asked to sit still and do nothing. Klaus says that the most important thing Elijah can do right now, is what he’s doing right now – protecting Hope. (That is so very literal AND symbolic.) Elijah reluctantly agrees to stay there with the “hopelessly courageous” Cami. (He says this as Cami walks up behind him on the front porch.) Of course, Elijah knows she’s there. He says he’ll call Klaus back. Addressing Cami, he apologizes for his earlier behavior. He says that his sister is missing (again), his family is in danger (again), and this time he is powerless to help them (that’s new). He’s not used to being useless, and he admits that maybe he isn’t “weathering this ordeal as well as one would hope.” She offers to listen if he ever wants to talk about it – that’s kind of what she does. Cami goes back into the house, and Elijah smiles.

Klaus looks at the blown up wall that used to contain his Mother. He sees the empty blood bag on the floor.


Finncent lays down a very dead-looking Lenorsther . . . into a Papa Tunde circle. She looks as dessicated as Mikael. In fact, he’s laid her right next to Mikael in the circle. He laments that they were a family once, and the loss of the love between them. He says he remembers the day they “lost” Freya, and how they never really recovered from that. He says that they should have stopped there (with having children) because the rest were monsters, and for that “you will all pay.” He walks away from the circle.


The vampires at the compound are miserable. Josh especially so. Marcel walks around, and sees Koleb on the balcony. A few vampires notice him, and start licking their mouths. He backs away quickly. And then barricades himself in a room, by stacking things up behind the door. He pauses when he sees the picture of Rebekah that he chuckled at earlier.


Blonde Orderly Dude tucks a sleeping Rebekah in to bed, and nods at the Scary Nurse Lady. Rebs-not-Rebs is a little restless, and we see the Scrabble letters are still spelling out “Who are you” a few times as the camera goes around the room. The Scrabble letters begin to move.  We see the glass-topped coffin again. And the letters are still moving. Flash back to the coffin. And the letters spell out . . . wait for it . . .



Author’s Note:  So, Freya is the body in the coffin in the locked room at the Asylum for Insane Witches. Hmmm. What exactly does that mean?  She looks pretty well-preserved for a corpse of a thousand years old. So, did she become a vampire when Esther “cursed” the rest of her children? Was her “sacrifice” to Dahlia something that kept her sleeping until it was time to exact the payment from the next generation of Mikaelsons? Is she sleeping? Is she a daggered vampire?  And if she is, how’d she end up in a WITCHES Asylum? I’m guessing only witches/vampires can be ghosts – the whole Other Side is only for magical things, right, didn’t we learn that from The Vampire Diaries? So, where does this leave us . . . exactly?  WITH MORE DANGED QUESTIONS, that’s where!

What are your theories? How did Freya get there?  WHAT is Freya?

Until next time!