The Originals: 2.06 “Wheel Inside the Wheel” Recap! {{SPOILERS}}

First of all . . . I didn’t get this episode title until the final scene played out, but, if I were renaming this one it’d be “You Really Should Feel Sorry for Esther, But You Still Won’t After We Tell Her Tale.”



Anyhow, the episode beings with a run down of last week’s Klaus running into Lenorsther and realizing who she is, her spouting her incessant “You can find peace if you let me put you in someone else” speeches, Finn revealing himself as Finncent, a reminder that Cami’s new advisor is Finncent, and a reminder of how everything went down that lead to Elijah being chained up in a crypt and Oliver being who-knows-where. Elijah begs his mother to stop forcing him to remember things, Hayley being worried about Elijah, Lenorsther giving her speech to Elijah (again), and being reminded that the only way her boys are going to “find peace is my way.”


When the recap is over, we’re thrust into Flashbackville without much preamble. We’re back in Viking Times (Norway in 972) and a woman is walking through what looks to be a dreadful winter storm. Inside, a dark haired woman chants over a cauldron (seems this one’s a witch), and the other approaches her home.


Her door opens, and the woman we now know to be blonde comes in.  The blonde greets the brunette as “sister” and begs for her help to bear children. She’s been married almost a year, and still hasn’t conceived. There’s some obvious tension between the two, the darker one seeming angry.


The dark one’s name is Dahlia, and apparently the two are sisters, and Dahlia’s magic has always been stronger. The blonde begs again. Dahlia tells her that what she asks will require “heavy sacrifice” and the blonde is so desperate she doesn’t care. They embrace, and Dahlia says she “could never refuse you, my precious little Esther.”  And now we know.  That’s Esther in the early years of her marriage to Mikael.


A bloodied Oliver brings us back into the episode, telling Finncent and Lenorsther to go ahead and kill him.  Finncent takes objection to Ollie talking to his mother, and threatens him.  Finncent tells the surrounding wolves to “spread the word” that Oliver will be killed at midnight for his crimes against them.  (Boy, does that smack of baiting a trap.)  Ollie is drug into a crypt, with Finncent challenging the rest of the wolves to come and look at the traitor.  Lenorsther pats Finncent on the head (not literally) and reminds him he has a meeting, and that she’ll attend to his brother.


And, yes, Elijah is still in his mother’s induced sleep.  Lenorsther preaches at him a little, and marvels at his strength.  She calls him “too willful” and picks up a knife from her altar (some would call this an athame, but an athame is never used to cut) and talks about how innocent and kind Elijah was as a child.  She caresses his head (standing behind him) and then yanks his head back and slits his throat!!!  Elijah jerks and coughs a little, and Lenorsther chants into his ear. She throws him forward again, against his chains, and he goes limp.


Hayley is standing on the balcony at the compound, and hears a scream.  Looking puzzled, she goes back into the house.  Klaus is washing his hands in a bowl, and she snarks that his “interrogation went well” and we see that he’s covered in blood.  He laments that witches are “delicate creatures” (hahaha) and says that, as suspected, Lenorsther has Elijah. Hayley wants to go with him to rescue Elijah, and they argue about whether or not that’s wise.  Klaus says that Lenorsther won’t easliy be found, and that she is too powerful for Hayley to fight. Hayley, of course, objects, and Klaus tells her that he’d rather she remain protected.  “I can’t very well save Elijah, if I’m busy saving you. Can I?” he asks and then closes the sliding doors into his bedroom in her face.


Gia is reporting to Marcel, she can’t find Elijah either.  He wonders aloud if Klaus is having any better luck.  Hayley appears behind him and says that, no, he’s not.  Hayley wants to go and rescue Oliver, and she wants their help.  She thinks that if they can save Oliver, maybe he’ll know where Elijah is.  Hayley needs a little distraction from them.  She says that Finncent is the one controlling the werewolves . . . if they can keep him out of the way for a little bit, she can go and rescue Oliver and turns to leave. Not so fast! Marcel whooshes in front of her, and tells her she can’t take on all of those wolves herself, she’ll get killed, and then he’ll get killed for letting her go.  She says she’s not going in alone.  She’s going after the Alpha, first (Jackson, who’s been mysteriously forgotten about for a while!), to get his help.


At Rousseau’s, Cami sits at the bar, writing.  Her advisor, Finncent, walks up behind her and they start talking.  She seems upset, and he starts to pry.  Faking like he barely remembers the guy’s name, he asks what’s going on.  Cami tells him that Klaus has family in town, and they don’t really get along (UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE YEAR, CAMI!) and he is flipping out.  Finncent says that its unfair that this Klaus person leans so heavily on Cami.  Cami explains that Klaus’s sister left town (*sobs*) and one of his brothers is “occupied” so, yeah, she’s really all Klaus has. Finncent calls Klaus dangerous, and advises that she steer clear.  Cami says that Klaus isn’t dangerous to her, and gets defensive.  Its happy hour, after all.  Finncent orders a whiskey, and then orders Cami’s favorite drink . . . which clearly unnerves Cami.  She cancels his order for her, and makes excuses to leave, saying she’ll see him Monday.


Near the ruins of what looks to be an old plantation house, Klaus has dug up Esther’s casket.  A Starling starts singing nearby, and Klaus stares it with the look he reserves for Mommy Dearest – an equal mix of fear and loathing.  Then he talks to the bird as if it is Esther, and says (the line of the night) “Nothing says ‘I loathe you’ quite like desecrating a corpse.”  As soon as he flicks his Bic open, Elijah says his name behind him.  Looking puzzled, Klaus turns to follow his older brother.  The ruin of a house looks much less a ruin now, as Klaus follows Elijah inside.  Klaus finds Elijah toying with the keys of a half broken-down piano inside.


Elijah (with lips that look unnaturally wet – and I’m not just talking lip balm, I’m talking full-on gloss) thinks that Klaus looks worried.  Klaus wants to know what Lenorsther has done to him.  Elijah recites all the “she can save us” stuff that Lenorsther has been spouting, and with a flourish on the piano, tells Klaus that she wants to talk to him, maybe they should listen. Klaus reacts just how you’d expect – by throwing something at Elijah, who disappears – and yells at “Esther” (no longer calling her Mother) to stop with the illusions.  Klaus asks where Elijah is, and Lenorsther appears behind him, saying Elijah is “preoccupied.”


Ok, folks, Cami says Elijah is “occupied” and Lenorsther says “preoccupied.”  I didn’t know that these words both meant CHAINED UP IN A CRYPT UNDER A SPELL!!  Maybe Cami has to share the Understatement of the Year award with Lenorsther…

Anyway, Lenorsther claims to be helping Elijah “find his way” and tells Klaus not to worry, Elijah will be returned to him, as long as Klaus stops and listens to what she has to say.  He doesn’t want to hear it.  She claims to be telling the truth this time (didn’t she all the other times, too?) and that she just wants to turn Elijah into the “man he was meant to be.”  She wants to do the same for Klaus, and then . . .



Annnnnn Lenorsther’s preaching again. (She must’ve exchanged contract with Charles Michael Davis – she’s the one always preaching now, and he’s been blessedly brief.)  This plantation, Lenorsther says, was ruined by fire – both sad and symbolic – because Klaus never intended to build it up as his “true” home.  She tells him that while Hayley carried his child, Rebekah and Elijah tried to defend him, all he cared about was his “conquest of the Quarter.”  She asks how that turned out for him, and Klaus utters the 2nd place line of the night:  “Is that some sort of Motherly critique?  Feel free to choke on it.”  Lenorsther claims that she’s bringing up his failures, just to make a point. (Yeah, right.)  And then launches into the lifetime of misery he’s both experienced, and inflicted, and she tells him that he’s trapped in a “cycle of despair.”  Klaus isn’t hearing it.  He demands she had over Elijah, and all she counters with is more sob story, claiming she loved him once.  He doesn’t believe her. He tells her that she’s no better than Mikael, especially in her quest to ruin her own children.  Lenorsther clearly didn’t know that Mikael was back in the equation.  Klaus pushes further, asking if Koleb hadn’t told her that bit of news. “Or is Mother’s loyal little bootlicker not so loyal after all?”  Lenorsther blinks a couple of times, and looks away.


Cami is in the Room of Requirement . . . I mean, the archives her family kept, looking through a book.  She lands on the name “Vincent Griffith” written in scrollwork at the bottom of a page.  (Refresher!!!  That is the name Finncent is going by.)  And things click into place, as Marcel makes an appearance.  He suggests that perhaps Cami might be looking for a new advisor right about now.  Cami demands to know who Finncent is, really.


Marcel stalls, and Cami confronts him with what she already knows – no other academic history, Griffith is a witchy family name, etc.  Marcel tells her its even worse than all that, “your therapist has a thousand year old dead vampire inside of him named Finn Mikaelson.”  Cami reacts with the expected shock, and tells Marcel about Finncent’s ordering her favorite drink “like he’s been watching me.”  She wants to know why.  Marcel theorizes that its either to get info on Klaus, or to eventually use her as bait, either way, she’s not to see him anymore.  Cami says that, no, she’s just getting started. (*cheers* CAMI HAS A SPINE!!!!)


Lenorsther wants Klaus to team up with her against Mikael.  Um, no.  She claims she isn’t evil, that she’s his salvation.  Blah, blah, blah.  Mikael wasn’t always bad.

And, Flashbackville!  Lenorsther narrates as we see Esther with a gaggle of young ones. She says that Mikael doted on Finn, but it was their FIRST BORN, FREYA (Um, WHAT?) that had her father wrapped around her pinky. And we see Mikael come in and sweep young Freya up and spin her around.

Klaus says that sweetened views of “ancient history” aren’t going to phase him.  Lenorsther says that Klaus is crazy, because he’s held onto this hatred of his parents so long.  If he joins her, though, she can give him peace.  Klaus turns to her, and I think for a second his resolve is slipping. She says that if Mikael should try to harm him, she will strike him down herself. Klaus admits the offer is attractive, but says that he’s never “needed any help when it comes to killing parents.”  (Um, then why do they keep coming back, Klaus?)  Lenorsther is stung by the rejection, but counters she has some hidden truth about Klaus’s father that she hasn’t revealed.  About his real father.


Hayley is out in the woods in the Bayou.  She comes into a small clearing, and sees a somewhat-hidden camper.  Then she hears a bow being drawn (distinctive sound, that) and turns and catches, not one, but two arrows centimeters from her head. The shooter remains hidden as Hayley starts to challenge him, admitting her hybrid status.  Dude comes out of the woods, machete drawn.  (And, he looks familiar…..but??)


Jackson’s gravelly voice (didn’t realize I’d missed it, until I heard it again) stops the man’s charge.  The Alpha and the Queen greet each other, and Jackson half-heartedly introduces his friend, Ansel.  Ansel seems dubious that Jackson actually knows this person, but Jackson admits that, yeah, he knows her, she was supposed to be his wife.  The threesome exchange looks . . . and

COMMERCIAL  (I don’t know why, but they annoyed me more than usual this week.)


Back at the ruined plantation, Lenorsther reminds Klaus of the first time he killed her.  She asks if he remembers why.  He lists the reasons: turned them all into monsters, cursed him, denied him his hyrbid existence, lied about his father.  She interrupts him, then, saying that that last one – keeping him from knowing his true father – that burned him up the most.  “My hatred for you burns so deep, its difficult to pin-point its origin.”  Klaus taunts her, saying that maybe he hates her because she’s a whore – he earns a pretty good slap for that one – and she counters that he’s the evil one. Klaus calls her evil, saying that her lust made him what he is.  She claims no regret, the love she had for his real father was real.  She and Mikael were grieving their oldest’s death from the Plague, she says.  “There are no words for the loss of a child, as you well know,” she says.


Back in the Bayou, Jackson tells Hayley how he was offered a Moonlight Ring, as long as he called her Alpha.  And we all know, there can’t be two Alphas.  He says that when he declined the offer, he was drug out here and left for dead.  By the time he healed, word had reached him what had happened to her . . . and to her baby.  He says that he knew then that “it was over” and that he drifted for a while.  That’s when Jackson met Ansel, and Jackson says that Ansel has been teaching him “the old ways, traditions, what it means to be a wolf.”  (Hmm…..could it be????  But he’s dead, right?  Not that that’s stopped anyone else on this show, but…..)  Hayley jokes that they’re living in the “ass-end of nowhere” and then Jackson warns her that “her kind makes him ornery.”  Hayley counters that her “kind” is only the wolves.


Ansel looks skeptical.  Hayley say that even though they follow a witch now, all that means is they need an Alpha to guide them.  She brings Ollie up, saying he needs one too.  Jackson bristles at that, calling Ollie a traitor, saying he killed some of his own.  Hayley says that in trying to make up that debt, Ollie got himself captured.  Jackson says Ollie’s dead if the witches have him, and he doesn’t care.  Hayley pouts at him, tries a little guilt, and starts to storm off to save Ollie herself.  Ansel challenges her leaving, Hayley calls him “old man.”  Turns out Ansel doesn’t like vampires, but he won’t stand by as a wolf gets killed by witches.  Hayley fires a parting shot at Jackson as she and Ansel head back.


Lenorsther tells Klaus that Mikael was beyond any help, grieving, after Freya died.  She says that it was his grief that made them pack up and sail to the New World.  Mikael’s despair, apparently drove her and Mikael apart.  That’s when she first met his real father. She was enamored with him.  He was powerful, wise, and loved by his people, she says.  Lenosther claims that since Mikael drifted away, she ended up drawn to his father.  Klaus doesn’t want to hear it, really.  Especially considering her “Adonis” abandoned him in the end, allowing him to be raised by Mikael, that hated him. Klaus asks if his father was ashamed of him, was that why he never knew him.  Lenorsther says that he was loved, that she forbade any contact, citing Mikael’s rage as the reason.  She says she had no choice.


Marcel is skeptical of Cami’s ability to go up against Finncent, in order to get information.  Behind her back, she pulls a knife off a nearby shelf (weren’t we told at some point that all these items were “dark?”) and Marcel says she just wants to get back at Finncent.  Cami says if she’d embraced her family’s heritage (as keeper of the Room of Requirement, I guess) she would have known about Francesa’s wolfness and we wouldn’t be where they are today.  She tells him to shove his “don’t get involved” and Marcel’s phone rings.

It’s Hayley.  She doesn’t have the Alpha, but she has “the next best thing” and she hopes that he’s got a plan to distract Finncent.  Marcel looks at Cami, and admits that he might have an idea.


Lenorsther tells Klaus that once she found out she was pregnant, she went back to Mikael.  She told him that she was pregnant with his child, but he took no joy in it, she says.

Flashbackville:  Esther holds a newborn.  Lenorsther says that it wasn’t until he was born that Mikael became himself again.  And we see Mikael stoop to hold baby Klaus’s little hand, a Celtic-looking ring on his hand.  She says that afterward, they had Kol, Rebekah, Henrik, and that they were a family again all because of him.


Klaus challenges her idea of family, saying theirs was built on secrets and lies.  Lenosther claims he was her “secret joy,” and admits to denying him a relationship with his true father.  But, what if she could cure him of this “sickness of the soul” that he has, like she did by putting Kol and Finn in the bodies of witches?  She says she wouldn’t make him a witch, but she’d put him in the body of a werewolf, so that he would live out his life like he was meant to.  (Why would anyone want to give up being a hybrid?)  Klaus asks her why she thinks he’d accept.  She says that, as a werewolf, he could have his own family, happiness, peace, everything he’s “long been denied.”  He screams at her to stop, and demands to know where Elijah is, and if she doesn’t tell him, he’ll kill her….again.  She pushes him back with that witchy-hand thing, and as he struggles to get back up, she admits that she realizes he doesn’t want to stop being what he is.  When he’s managed to get back to standing, she snaps his neck, as he falls . . .

We go to another COMMERCIAL!!


Night has fallen at the plantation, Klaus is still out.

Flashbackville:  A young Klaus comes upon a scene of carnage.  He falls to his knees in front of a man up on a pike, and examines his left forearm.  There’s a tattoo there.  Klaus looks at the man’s wounds, and then up to his face . . . its ANSEL!!!  Klaus lovingly pushes Ansel’s hair out of his face, and almost does that one tear thing that kills me.


Klaus gasps awake.  Lenorshter apologizes for the headache she’s given him, and asks him if he was dreaming.  Klaus admits he was remembering the day that he found out who his real father was, only after Mikael had killed him.  Lenorsther claims that was her darkest hour. She says that if Klaus hadn’t killed her soon after that, she says she doesn’t think she would’ve ever recovered from the grief. (If this is recovery, remind me to skip it!)  She looks at a pocket watch, and admits that Klaus woke earlier than she thought he would, but dismisses it as not a problem (which makes me think it might be a problem).  She says that its time.  Klaus asks for what.  She says that he wants Elijah, he’s sleeping and chained to the wall in Lafayette Cemetery, but the spells that hide him are now done, and Klaus can take him home.  She says that Elijah’s own mind will decide what he does next, that when he wakes up, he’ll be ready to decide.  She claims, again, that everything she said to him tonight is the absolute truth.  He whooshes away.



Down in the Quarter, Cami walks into Rousseu’s.  Marcel and Gia stake out the back, checking for any signs of werewolves. Marcel makes Gia keep an eye out, as he listens into Cami talking to Finncent.  She makes her apologies for walking out on him earlier, and he blames himself.  Cami says that they are even now, they should drink.

Hayley and Ansel are in the cemetery.  They find Ollie, tied up and hanging from his wrists.  She asks him if he knows where Elijah is, as Ansel says that the wolves know they’re there.  Hayley can hear them, too, and yanks Ollie down quickly and they go to leave.


Cami is getting her drink on with Finncent, starts Finncent talking by asking how he would diagnose Klaus. He lists several things, that aren’t wrong, and asks if she agrees.  She claims its beyond her, there’s too much history she doesn’t know.  She gives the example of “all the stuff with his siblings” as Marcel listens in.  Cami asks Finncent how he manages to deal with his siblings.  For a second, Finncent thinks the jig is up, but Cami reminds him that he mentioned siblings in one of their first meetings.  She asks innocently (sorta) if he stays in touch with them. He admits that he does, in a way, but that they aren’t close.  Cami pushes, asking about his parents.  Marcel and Gia are looking pretty nervous.  Cami says that she’s prying, and Finncent thinks its funny that she’s asking all these questions that she called him out for as prying earlier in the day.  Cami claims she’s trying to “learn from the master” some coping methods.  Finncent seems suspicious, and Marcel starts to barge in the back door.  A voice calls to him from behind, “you must be lost, vampires caught in the Quarter are to be killed on-site.”  Marcel tells Gia to run. Run as fast as she can.


Ollie tells Hayley to leave him, and save herself.  Hayley says she’ll take the fight to them, if they challenge her, and Ansel says that he came along to save one of his own kind, not to watch her kill a whole pack of them.  He tells her to take Ollie out the back and run, he’ll hold them off while they get away.  Hayley doesn’t bat an eye before she’s running with Ollie, and Ansel starts to fight.


Cami’s apologizing to Finncent for prying.  Finncent says that she seems on edge.  Marcel is fighting the big wolf out back.  Finncent asks Cami if there’s something she hasn’t shared, that she’s nervous about.  She leans back, puts her hand on the knife she lifted earlier, and claims that she’s nervous around Finncent, that she knows she’s asking stupid questions. He says that she isn’t, she’s just getting personal, and her interest in his story is unexpected.  Marcel fights a little more.  Cami suggests that maybe this is her “passive-aggressive” way of changing the subject because she’s afraid he’s going to tell her to stay away from Klaus.  Finncent compliments her, says that she ought to be able to know what’s best for her.  Wolf dude lifts Marcel up over his head.  Cami claims to wonder why she lets people like Klaus into her life, that she has a “destructive pattern,” and pulling the knife out of her purse, she says that she’s drawn to the bad boys.  “Maybe, deep down, I feel like that’s what I deserve,” she says.  Finncent holds her other hand, and tells her that he’s a expert in unhealthy patterns.  He tells her he can help her, if she lets him.



Cami drops the knife back in her purse just as Marcel gets bitten by the wolfman and Gia turns up to save Marcel and gets bitten for her trouble and thrown into a power box that explodes.

Wolfman goes for Gia while she’s down, and Marcel rips the dude’s heart out from behind.  Marcel squats down to help her.


Hayley and Ollie are trying to get away, sneaking through the cemetery.  Aiden calls to her, says they know she’s in there.  Hayley looks back at Oliver and then steps out in front of Aiden and the others he has with them.  Hayley asks him to just let her go, and, of course he has to say no.



Hayley says they can do it the hard way, and Oliver comes out of the shadows, calling the wolves idiots for going up against a hybrid, and for taking orders from a witch.  Ollie says he’s not innocent in that respect, but only because he wants to be part of a pack, but now they are turning on each other instead.  He says if they start killing their own, they’re nothing. Aiden steps back, and the wolves with him part to let them pass.


Klaus walks into the cemetery and hears the commotion.  Ansel is fighting his way through the pack.  Klaus goes to help him, snapping the neck of the one he’s fighting.  Still holding his blade up in attack, Ansel and Klaus stare each other down.  Shock is written ALL OVER Klaus’s face as he realizes who he’s looking at.  He flashes back to the scene we saw earlier, of him looking at the piked, dead body of his real father.  Ansel speaks Klaus’s name like a question, and Klaus is disbelieving, thinking he’s in some sort of vision brought on by his mother.  Klaus yells for his mother to stop this vision, saying “that thing” is not real.  Ansel tells Klaus to look at him, he’s real.


Klaus accuses his father of being dead a thousand years.  Ansel says that the entire time, he lingered on The Other Side, watching.  Then, four moons ago, he found himself in amongst wolves like himself.  Klaus denies that it’s true, still, saying that this is all to make him take Esther up on her offer.  Ansel claims ignorance of any of Esther’s bargains.  His voice cracking, Ansel reaches for Klaus.  Klaus stops his arm, and we’re shown that Ansel has the same tattoo of the dead man from the flashbacks.  And we see the flashback again, as Klaus looks at the tattoo and Ansel. Klaus says that even if everything (and Ansel) is real, Ansel is nothing to him.  “For all I care, you can crawl back to Hell” he says, and whooshes away to . . .



Marcel pulls a vial of blood from a cabinet, explains that only Klaus’s blood can heal a vampire from a werewolf bite, and gives her and himself a dose. He says that he’s running a little low on his supply, so there’s a new rule “don’t get bit.”  She teases him that she got bitten saving his ass, and he admits that she did, and she did it well.  He admits that he thought when he told her to run, she was really gone.  Gia explains that that’s how she used to live her life, but she says she feels like what he’s building here could be her home, so she’s in.  Marcel thanks her, and then his phone rings.


Its Cami, calling to tell him about her time with Finncent.  Marcel jokes that, yeah, it seemed like Finncent was wrapped around her finger when he left.  Cami agrees, and says that she thinks Finncent likes her.  Marcel doesn’t think that’s good news.  But Cami sees this as his “blind spot” that they can use in the future to take him down.


Hayley and Oliver have made it back to Jackson’s camp.  Jackson seems less-than-thrilled with this development.  He wants to know where Ansel is.  “He was busy being a man,” she says and that he should be right behind them.  Oliver starts to say that he’s sorry (I think) but Jackson cuts him off, accuses Ollie of selling him out to Francesca.  Ollie says that he knows he can’t make up for that, but Jackson needs to hear what he has to say.  He reminds Jackson of his place as Alpha, says that their people are not meant to be slaves, and that Jackson is the one that can free them.


Then Oliver begins to cough up blood.  Jackson asks Hayley what’s wrong with him, and Hayley says that the witches said Ollie had until midnight before he was sacrificed.  (Guess they didn’t mean they were going to lop his head off at midnight, guess there’s a spell involved here.)  Jackson holds Ollie as he coughs harder and starts to bleed from his eyes . . . then Oliver is dead.  (SAD)  Jackson is moved by Oliver’s death, moved to tears.


And then Klaus has found the crypt where Elijah is bound.  He pauses to survey the scene, spots the doll hanging in the corner (that Elijah told Hayley keeps him bound there, in his dream) and yanks it down.  Then he breaks the chains that bind Elijah and puts their foreheads together, looks Elijah in the closed eyes and begs him to wake up.  “Wake up, Brother,” he says (*sniff*) and Lenorsther says from behind him that “he won’t wake, not yet” which gives her another chance to spout her offer at him.  This he ignores, and reminds her that she promised him Elijah’s safe return, and asks if that was a lie.  A lie like that “ghoulish atrocity outside claiming to be my father.”


Lenorsther assures him that his father is indeed alive and well, she brought him forward from The Other Side before it collapsed.  She brought him here, to find him.  Klaus wants to know why – besides his torment, of course.  She says that she brought him over to let him have the father he never had, to have someone to teach him to be the man he always wanted to be (blah blah blah, Crazypants).  She tells him that once she remakes him as only a werewolf, Klaus can join him.  Klaus claims that Ansel’s return “changes nothing.”  Lenorsther says it “changes everything,” that this is her gift to him, and this is his last chance to accept her offer.  She tells him not to refuse from “some ancient spite” and he counters with “not ancient spite, hatred . . . a pure and perfect hatred that’s greater now than the day I first took your life.”  Lenorsther doesn’t understand, and wonders why he persists.


Wellllll, Klaus reacts badly, slamming her (by the throat) against the wall, and telling her that its because she sent killers after his child, her own blood.  Choking, Lenorsther says he doesn’t understand.  Klaus yells “MY CHILD” at her again – still choking the life out of her – and she says that she had to and does that witchy hand thing, which makes his nose bleed this time.  When he recovers, he tells her that she declared war on his family and for that “I will make you suffer as only I can.  After all, I am my mother’s son.”  He tosses her to the ground – she’s not dead, she’s still gasping for air – and drags a somewhat unconscious, somewhat stumbly Elijah from the crypt.


Lenorsther slips into Flashbackville, to her younger self begging someone not to do what they’re diong.  It seems Dahlia has come for her “sacrifice” and that’s Esther’s first born, Freya.  Dahlia reminds her that she only performed the spell to allow Esther to conceive because Esther agreed to pay the price.  This is the price.  Freya.  Esther starts to threaten Dahlia with Mikael’s return and the rage this will bring on, but Dahlia says that, no, that won’t happen because Esther is going to tell him that Freya grew sick and died of the plague while he was gone.  She will tell him, too, that she was forced to burn Freya’s body to stop the spread of the disease.  Esther begs.  Dahlia reminds her that the price wasn’t just this first born, but EVERY FIRST BORN CHILD FROM EACH GENERATION THAT IS TO COME, FOR AS LONG AS ESTHER’S LINE LASTS!!!  (SHOCKER)


Esther threatens Dahlia that if Dahlia takes her child, Esther herself will return to the Dark Arts and grow in power and make her pay.  Dahlia counters that Esther will never be stronger than her, and reminds her that this was the bargain she made, and that if Esther defies her, Dahlia will take all her children instead, and makes a point of including “little Finn” who begins to cry at Esther’s side.  “Even unborn Elijah” Dahlia says before turning and leaving with Freya.



Lenorsther, back in the present, is still on the floor when Finncent comes in, asking what’s happened.  She tells him that Niklaus refused her offer.

Klaus lays Elijah down on a bed and Hayley comes in to stand beside him, as Lenorsther tells Finncent that Klaus still hates her for what happened to his baby.


Finncent calls Klaus a fool, saying that her actions (killing his baby) saved the entire family.  “If that child had lived,” he begins, shaking his head.  “Dahlia would return,” Lenorsther whispers.

Klaus and Hayley look at Elijah again.

“And she would come for us all,” Lenorsther croaks as the music fades and the episode ends.

WHOA!!!!  What an episode, right?  And if Dahlia is stronger than Esther . . . New Orleans, Hell, the entire state of Louisiana, had better LOOK OUT!!!