The Originals 2.05 “Red Door” Recap {{SPOILERS}}

Sorry this is so late!!  Life gets in the way sometimes!  I’m just getting to sit down and watch this MONDAY’s episode (Yes, I realize it is Friday. Thank you.) and I feel like the most awful fan alive, but I’ll muddle through.  :)


Monday’s episode already had a bit of a mystery playing out for us, even before Lenorsther kidnapped Elijah and might be making The Suited One into something less . . . vampiric and that was the mystery of Tatia, first mentioned back in Season 2 of The Vampire Diaries when, in a flashback, Elijah is introduced to Katerina Petrova and he tells her that she reminds him of someone.  Turns out, both Klaus and Elijah fell for Tatia before they were turned into vampires by Esther, you guessed it, who used Tatia’s blood (she’s a doppelganger, remember, powerful blood!) to turn them.

But how did Tatia meet her end?  I’ve always gotten the feeling that the story we’ve been given about Esther killing her wasn’t quite the whole story, and I have a feeling that Lenorsther’s “cleansing” of Elijah just might bring it all out.  As long as he STAYS A VAMPIRE, I’m A-OK with that.

Now, for the episode!


Klaus voices our “previously on The Originals”  this week, with the flashback of happier times in NOLA and his “I want it back” that is great and all but I’m kinda tired of hearing it. (And that is THE ONLY time you will hear me EVER complain about hearing Joseph’s voice. EVER.)  Then there’s “Oh, hi, I’m Finncent,” Koleb introducing himself as Kaleb to Davina, a flash of Elijah dropping the “Father is back, too” bomb on Klaus, Esther jumping into Lenore, the confrontation between Mikael and Klaus that ends with the not-as-permanent-a-fix-as-we’d-like-it-to-be Papa Tunde blade, and the Original Daddy pulling it out of his own chest in the back of the SUV where Klaus dumped him.  The last scene before the new stuff?  Of course we have to be subjected to watching our dear Mr. Awesome Scruff taken down by the cowardly Lenorsther, who chose the wooden-stake-in-the-back route to get her eldest child where she wanted him.  In chains.  In a crypt.  Talking about making him “pure” again.  Yup.  That’s where we left off.  And the thing that’s been nagging at the back of my mind all week.  (A mantra of “please let him stay a vampire, please let him stay a vampire” might just have been involved as well.)


And . . . there’s the Red Door in question.  A blood-covered, and more importantly shirtless, Elijah is chasing Hayley toward it. Then Hayley isn’t Hayley. She’s Elena/Katherine/Amara/TATIA and he’s feeding on her, then he’s back in the tomb, in chains, with Lenorsther.  He struggles, she tells him to save his strength, he sees some sort of poppet (or Voodoo doll, if you want to call it that) also strung up, and she taunts him a bit.


As the screen comes back into focus from the title, Lenorsther asks Elijah who he was dreaming about before he woke. (As if she doesn’t already know, she said she was taking him back to the beginning, didn’t she?)  When he doesn’t react, she tells him that she’s brought him there to listen, and he’s not leaving until she’s said her bit.  Holding a cup of tea like she doesn’t have one of her children strung up in a tomb, she proposes that Elijah take the body of a mortal, return to the family as a witch, like his brothers have done.  She just wants to start over.   “You do know you’re entirely demented, don’t you?” come Elijah’s quick retort. She accuses him of pulling the wings off every beautiful butterfly of a woman that crosses his path, and without even mentioning Tatia’s name, she weighs on the convo.


Elijah is clearly beyond pissed off, too.  Mommy Dearest tells him that she knows more about what torments him than he does, starting with Tatia.  (“the first butterfly you destroyed”)  Calling Tatia a “sweet young widow” Lenorsther launches into Tatia’s story.  Elijah accuses Lenorsther of taking Tatia’s life, but Lenorsther says not so fast.  She says she’s going to show him the truth and after she does, she’s convinced that he’ll want what she’s offering.

Ruh roh.


Then we’re in Flashbackville.  Lenorsther narrates as Elijah watches some girls dancing around a Samhain (Sow-an, or Sow-wain, the witch’s term for the feast on All Hallow’s Eve – Halloween) bonfire.  Esther’s watching as Tatia catches Elijah’s eye.  Lenorsther says that all the other women were jealous of her, and all the men wanted her, but she only had eyes for one . . . Klaus.  And Elijah leaves the festivities.  Tatia dances with Klaus, but is scanning the crowd, it seems, looking for Elijah who is now feeding the livestock (a pig named Loki).  Tatia finds him, and they talk.  Elijah says that Tatia “is fated to love another,” and Tatia calls him a “noble martyr” (which kinda goes along with everything we’ve ever seen of him).  Tatia says that, basically, she controls her heart not fate. She should have thrown herself on her husband’s funeral pyre, but she didn’t.


She says that she chose to give her heart to someone else, who she describes, and then says she chooses him.  (The joy on his face just then makes me want to cry.  Just because I know how this ends. We all do. It just may not end the way we think it did.)  He goes in for a kiss, and she teases him that their first kiss shouldn’t happen while his mother is sacrificing the pigs.  He laughs, but kisses her anyway.  He decides to set Loki free, saying that perhaps one’s fate can change, and they kiss again.


Lenorsther brings us out of Flashbackville by blowing a candle out in Elijah’s face.  (How rude!)  She compares Tatia to a butterfly a bit more, and talks about beginnings and her “tragic end.”  Elijah says again that it was Esther who killed Tatia, drained her of her blood to use in a spell to bind Klaus’s werewolf side, but Lenorsther does her not-so-fast thing again.  She says that his memory is flawed, but by the time she’s done, she says, his memory will be all correct-ified and he’ll see what a monster he truly is (anyone else tired of this already?).


Cami is examining a still-unconscious Davina saying that they should get her to a hospital while Klaus and Koleb trade barbs about Klaus being the Big Bad Wolf.  Klaus threatens Koleb, Cami defends Koleb which probably makes Klaus angrier and then Koleb makes a very British jab at Klaus about putting a bit of lavender under his pillow to remove the stick up his . . . well, you know.  Cami tells them to stop.  Klaus said he promised not to kill Davina, nothing about “this insolent sod.”  Oh, btw, Klaus is holding the White Oak Stake.  Cami tells him that he didn’t kill his father with it, he won’t kill this kid with it either.  Klaus relents, and Cami takes the Stake from him.  He tells her to go get the car (UM NO, DADDY IS IN THERE NOT SO TRAPPED IN THE BINDINGS OF THE KNIFE OF TORTURE!!!!) and they will take Davina to the hospital.


Leaving Koleb and Klaus alone with the unconscious witch.  They trade barbs (and something about the way Klaus is talking makes me think he’s already figured it out) and then HEY PRESTO he’s figured out that its Kol.  Klaus says he doesn’t mind that Kol is back, he’s just making the wrong friends.  Klaus threatens Kol, Kol counters with Cami’s-got-you-on-a-short-leash-and-follows-you-around-with-a-poop-bag joke, and Klaus yells to Cami that he’s gonna kill Koleb after all.  But Cami doesn’t respond.

Because, guess what?  Mikael got her.  Klaus goes out to the car (I dunno why, but there’s something adorable in the way he walks when he’s angry!!) and there’s a smear of blood on the driver’s windshield, and Daddy is missing from the back (as is Tunde’s blade).


Our first commercial break brings us back to a panicking Klaus, calling Elijah for back up because Mikael is loose with the Stake, Cami’s his hostage, and, of course, he is weaponless “and in need of reinforcement.”  But, Elijah can’t answer right now, Klaus.  He’s busy being told his memories have been altered.  Please leave a message at the beep.  Klaus demands that Koleb wake Davina up, so that she can get Mikael to come back . . . and, big shocker, Koleb refuses.  Klaus tells Koleb they aren’t done, and whooshes away.  Koleb tenderly puts a pillow under Davina’s head, and asks her nicely to wake up, saying that he’s kick a few “familial hornets’ nests” and needs to run.  Then his phone rings.  He looks at it and shoves it back in his pocket.  The picture goes all shifty, like a witch is using their powers, Koleb wipes his nose (like he got a sudden nose bleed) and the phone rings again, this time he answers it.


Its Finncent, who “despises voicemail.”  He wants to know if Koleb has managed to get the White Oak Stake from Davina yet.  Of course, he hasn’t since Mikael has run off with Cami (who was last seen with it), but Koleb wants Finncent to tell Mother that he’s got everything under control (hardly) and that he’s keeping an eye on Davina (well, that part’s true).  Koleb tells Finncent another truth – Davina is working on a spell to unlink everyone from Klaus’s sire line so that she can kill him without killing everyone else.  Finncent wants to know how close she is to doing that.  Turns out, Davina has written their Mother’s linking and sire-bond spells in reverse (“quite clever, really”) but he doesn’t know what Davina plans on using “as a binder” and Finncent reminds Koleb that Mother wants Klaus (and a LINKED Klaus) and that Stake – and pronto.  He demands that Koleb kill Davina to get the Stake. Koleb remains silent, and plotting, on the other end of that phone call.


Mikael is dragging Cami through the woods.  Cami’s spewing all kinds of “Klaus will find you” stuff and, well, I think that’s what Mikael wants.  Yup.  That’s what he wants.  Cami can’t believe that Mikael beat Tunde’s blade, to which Mikael responds that he’s fought through more pain than anyone, and once he feeds he’ll be at full strength.  Cami looks reasonably terrified.  Mikael says he’s not going to feed on her, because she’s leverage.  He plans on threatening Cami’s life, to give Klaus pause long enough for Mikael to strike and end him.  Cami goes psychoanalizing on him, Mikael doesn’t like it, calling her an “enabler of the weak” and Mikael hears prey in the distance.

And, indeed, there’s a rukus (“Hillbilly Halloween” he calls it) going on around a bonfire, and Mikael drags Cami along.


We see a few pages of either Esther’s, or Davina’s, spellwork as Koleb goes into the room where Davina was working.  Turns out its Davina’s work.  Apparently, she is going to use something called “Kandahar Root” as a binder, and Koleb wonders where Davina found it.  Koleb starts chanting over it, as Davina begins to stir.  Koleb comes back into the room as she rolls her neck and asks what happened. She’s got a bit of a headache.  She asks “Klaus?” and Koleb plays like he wasn’t sure that was the guy’s name that broke the window, but he “smashed the place up, and then he left.”


Davina wants to know where he went, Koleb tells her that Klaus went after her “pet serial killer friend,” and he jokes that he’s not sure he likes who she hangs out with. And, now, NOW Davina’s limping.  (Last episode, she twisted her ankle sparring with Mikael, Koleb rubbed some herbs on it which took away the pain, but he said it wouldn’t be a cure-all.  Later in the episode, she’s walking fine. NOW SHE’S LIMPING. CONSISTANCY PEOPLE!) She asks after the White Oak Stake, and Koleb tells her that the “serial killer one” took it.  She calls to Mikael and he doesn’t come.  She starts to panic.  Koleb tries to calm her, and she tells him why she’s freaking out. If Mikael kills Klaus, her friends die, too.  Koleb asks how she’s planning on stopping Mikael from killing Klaus and she says that wasn’t her plan, she needs to finish her spell, and now.


Across the River, Hayley is telling Marcel that the kids they rescued made it to the safe house just fine. He calls it his “good deed for the decade” and Hayley proposes that the vampires and the “free wolves” could possibly work together, after all.  “The enemy of my enemy is my friend,” Marcel quotes to her, and she thanks him.  Marcel tells her that she needs to thank Elijah, not him. She confesses that she can’t reach him.  She’s looked for him, but nada. Marcel jabs at her that he thought they were close, that she’d know where he was. She says they aren’t on good terms, but then realizes something must be wrong, because Elijah and Oliver were only supposed to be distracting the wolves, and now both have gone incommunicado.  Hayley storms out on a one-woman “find them” mission, and Marcel chases after her, saying she’s not going alone.

(And we actually had a scene with Marcel where he’s not preaching!!! WHOOHOO!!)


Back at the cemetery, Lenorsther continues to show Elijah the error of his vampire ways and memories.  She realizes he needs to feed, and tells him what an awful thing that must be. She takes the blame for that, saying that she and Mikael just tried to make their children strong, not curse them.


Back in Flashbackville, we’re treated to a path of bloody weapons, a bloody stump of a leg, and then a naked and shivering Klaus behind a fallen tree. In front of Klaus is a body, missing the bottom halves of both legs, and looking quite dead.  Klaus isn’t quite crying, but he’s close, as Elijah walks up.  Elijah hands Klaus clothes, and as Klaus dresses (BOOOOOO HISS), he asks his brother what he is.  Klaus asks how many, Elijah responds “six” and Klaus is horrified.  Elijah tells Klaus the details of his murderous rampage as a wolf, and then comforts Klaus as the realization washes over him.  Klaus again asks what he is, and Elijah says that he seems like the wolves in the village that turned when the moon was full.  Elijah takes his brother in his arms, and tells Klaus that Mikael is beyond angry, that this “affliction” can only be passed through “some kind of conception” and Klaus realizes he’s the only one with said “affliction” and what exactly that means of his parentage.  Elijah says this doesn’t change anything, they are brothers, they are a family.  And then Elijah sees Tatia has come upon the path of destruction, and is scared.  She runs off, horrified, and Elijah gives chase.


Back in the present, Elijah doesn’t understand why Lenorsther is reminding him of this.  Elijah says that he compelled Tatia to forget what she’d seen, and she did.  Lenorsther counters that he’d only been a vampire for a few days at that point, and that he didn’t know compulsion yet, so that isn’t how things really happened. She says that, even back then, there was a nobleness about Elijah, things he wouldn’t do, even as a vampire.  She says that wasn’t the case in those first days, and she’s going to show him what really happened.


Back in Flashbackville, Elijah is chasing a fleeing and terrified Tatia.  As Elijah nears her, she stumbles and falls.  (Like any pretty girl in any horror movie ever)  As she stands she asks what he’s become, Elijah says that he’s not changed, he’s still the man that loves her.  But she’s still backing away from him.

Lenorsther says (in the present)that, even then, Elijah knew how special Tatia was, that Lenorsther thought Elijah would protect her, instead of ripping her butterfly wings off.  Lenorsther laments that one day she had hoped to call Tatia “daughter” but – and Elijah interjects that he wasn’t the one who hurt her – and Lenorsther says that Elijah’s been hiding from what he really is for thousands of years now.  Vehemently denying that he hurt Tatia, Elijah lunges against his chains toward his mother.  He says he could never have hurt her.


And Lenorsther takes us back to the Flashbackville awful truth.  Tatia tells Elijah that his mother asked for some of her blood, but she said nothing of the “dark magic” that she would work with it.  Tatia says that Elijah’s a monster, which he denies, but . . . Tatia cut herself when she fell and Elijah can smell the blood running down her fingertips to the ground.  His eyes go veiny as he protests that he’s not changed. He says her name in anguish . . .

. . . and then Lenorsther has her hands on Mr Awesome Scruff’s knife-like jaw line (sorry, what?) and tells him that he can’t hide anymore.  That it is time to remember everything.

And Tatia is yelling NO back in Flashbackville and slaps Elijah with her bloody hand.  He says that doesn’t want to hurt her . . . as his fangs come in.  Horrified, Tatia says his name with tears in her eyes and Elijah tells her to run.


As the flashback fades, Lenorsther reassures Elijah that he didn’t want to hurt her, that he loved her.

The flashback shows Elijah and Tatia struggling (as there was no way she could have run fast enough to escape him).

Lenorsther looks in Elijah’s eyes and tells him that he couldn’t escape what she had turned him into.

Tatia’s head falls back, exposing her neck, and Elijah lunges and bites her.

Lenorsther calls him a predator, and Tatia was his prey.

Tatia’s struggles weaken as Elijah drains her.


Elijah shakes Lenorsther off and insists that Lenorsther was the one that killed Tatia, murdered her for her powerful blood.  He says that she used that blood for centuries to “cripple Klaus.”  He refuses to hear differently.  Lenorsther tells him that he doesn’t have to listen, he just needs to remember.  Remember the truth.  As the music builds to crescendo, the screen goes black to commercials.

I hate commercials.


Klaus is tracking his father through the forest, toward the “Hillbilly Halloween” which seems to have died down.  Oh, right, that’s because Mikael has them all compelled to speak for him.  With a sly smile, Klaus approached. One says that Tunde’s blade was weak, that he always gained strength from pain (unlike Klaus) and tells Klaus that he’ll soon know the taste of White Oak as it pierces his heart.  Klaus chuckles and calls his father (basically) a coward for using these humans as his mouthpiece.  And then they all attack and Klaus easily tears them down.


Koleb and Davina are talking about the spell. Koleb half-heartedly tries to talk her out of doing it right now. She says she just needs to figure out how to combine the two spells. Koleb teases her that its a pretty big spell for her, and Davina tells him that a lot of people have underestimated her, and they don’t do it a second time. Koleb offers to help. Davina declines his offer, until Koleb impresses her with his Latin conjugation of things in reverse and says that she shouldn’t underestimate him either.  Davina agrees that they should work together.


Cami’s struggling with Mikael in a barn, saying that she has always told Klaus that there’s good in everyone, that he did indeed care about Klaus once.  She says that Klaus told her she was naive, that she could never understand the hatred Mikael has for Klaus. Mikael admits that he did indeed love Klaus in the beginning, saying that he saw something in Klaus’s eyes that made him think that “this one” would be a warrior, be worthy.  He tells her that when he found out Klaus wasn’t his, he was deeply relieved. (Remember, Mummy cast a spell to keep him weak, so his werewolf curse would be triggered, so her secret would remain hidden.) Cami tells Mikael that Esther’s infidelity wasn’t Klaus’s fault.


Mikael counters that Klaus was always fascinated with the wolves, and took young Henrik out to watch them turn one night and that was the night that Henrik was killed by those very same wolves. Cami screams that it was an accident, but Mikael won’t have it. Says that Klaus murdered his wife and turned his entire family against him.  He doesn’t understand why Cami would defend him. She stands to confront Mikael and says that she’s tried to convince Klaus not to kill him, that the violence in their family can end.  Cami yells in his face that all of his violence is “pointless” and Mikael begins to laugh (holding Tunde’s blade, btw). He asks her if she’s a “alienist” and she gives him the modern word “therapist” and says that he “could do with some couch time.” (Hahaha) Mikael realizes that his wounds aren’t healing, and that he needs to feed. Cami begins to back away, saying that he’d said he wouldn’t feed from her. And, with some very archaic quotes, he bites her anyway.


Klaus raises his head from his most recent victim (parallel!!) and then fights off another one of the party goers. His phone rings. It’s Hayley. She tells him that she’s worried about Elijah’s vanishing act. They’re at the garage where the fight went down, and Hayley can tell there’s werewolf and vampire blood all over the place. (Marcel is squatting, looking at the carnage.)  She says there’s a blood trail, and she wants his help tracking it. Klaus says he’s a little busy right now (kicks away another of Daddy’s minions) and Hayley challenges that nothing should be more important than Elijah. Klaus says his own life is more important, Davina had Mikael bound to her, and now he’s free – holding the White Oak Stake, Tunde’s blade, and Cami. At Cami’s name, Marcel stands, looking worried. Klaus says he’s going to get Cami and end all this as he fights off a few more minions. He tells Hayley that either Mikael or he will be ash by day’s end and that if she does manage to find Elijah, he could use his brother’s help, snaps another neck, and then hangs up.


Davina and Koleb are chanting (just WHAT IS Kol’s motivation in this??) Latin at the cabin. Davina calls it off, saying that it isn’t working. Koleb says she must not be doing it right. Davina’s desperate to unlink Marcel and Josh from Klaus. She tells him to stop chanting, that she’ll just channel his power, and grabs his hands. The picture goes all sepia-toned and we see Koleb holding the Kandahar Root and that he chanted over it. Davina looks puzzled. Then she sees Koleb chanting over her bracelet, releasing Mikael. And Klaus confronting Koleb with his true identity. She gasps, and releases Koleb’s hands. She realizes her mistake in trusting him, and throws him about the room with magic, calling him a liar. He lashes back with magic, and they spar. She does the brain melting thing on him, and he gives up. She says her friends are going to die because of him.


Koleb tells her that he was given a choice – kill the spell, or kill Davina. He says that he happens to like her, so he chose the spell. He says that there will be consequences of his disobeying Mother Dearest. He admits that, sure, Esther brought him back, but “she’s mad as a hatter.” He says that Mikael is even more of a lunatic. Davina says she had him under control. “Yeah, right up until the point ya didn’t” comes the Liverpudlian-accented response. Koleb admits that Mikael threatened him, and that he freed Mikael. He admits that he’s a Mikaelson, but he has just as much reason to hate them as she does. She wants to know how he deactivated her bracelet. He says he knows a thing or two about Dark Objects – creating and destroying them – and she wants him to teach her. He agrees.


Elijah, still in chains, tells his mother that she’s messing with his memories.  Things didn’t happen as she said. She killed Tatia. She admits that she used Tatia’s blood to bind Klaus, but when Elijah brought Tatia to Esther, Tatia was already dead. Elijah says that she can’t rewrite history, and Lenorsther agrees that she didn’t, until she had Elijah’s consent to do so.

Flashbackville: Esther cleaning off the blade she used to kill the pigs, Elijah brings a limp Tatia to her. Lenorsther narrates, saying that when Elijah got to her, Tatia had already passed on. Esther looks horrified, but takes Tatia from her.

Lenorsther says that she told Elijah he was a good boy, and that she’d take care of it. She told him back then, that she could make it all go away.

Flashbackville:  A tormented Elijah falls to his knees as Esther takes away Tatia’s body.  She takes Tatia behind a red door, and closes it.

Elijah looks shocked. Lenorsther continues and says that she told him she could remove that torment from him, that what went behind that door would stay there (the door from his dream is this door).


Flashbackville: Esther offers Elijah a cloth to clean up with, Lenorsther tells him that she told him that if he was clean, no one would know what he’d done or what he was. Elijah begins to clean himself.

With tears in his eyes, Elijah seems to realize this is the truth. And perhaps why he’s always so immaculately dressed! Lenorsther tells him that he’s created a place in his mind where he hides all his victims from his memory. The immaculate dress, the clean hands, that made everything ok. “No one need know what’s behind that red door.”

He remembers the dream, and killing Tatia in it.


Lenorsther says that 1,000 years is a long time and that that place in his mind was meant to hold one misdeed, not a millenia’s worth. She asks him how long he thinks it will be before its Hayley’s corpse behind the door. Elijah yells at her to shut up. (I don’t think I’ve ever heard him say that before. Sure, he’ll cut someone off, but never that rude!) Lenorsther says that he’s afraid that anyone loving him will destroy Hayley, like it did Celeste and Tatia. She begs him – and includes Hayley – to take her up on her offer, to be alive again in new bodies, free of the vampire curse. She says that he could even give Hayley another child, to replace the child that she lost.

Raising his chin in a most Elijah-like way, he tells Lenorsther that she will not break him.

She claims he’s already broken. But she can fix him. She can fix all of them.


When we come back from the last commercial break, Koleb is teaching Davina about Dark Objects as they walk through the woods. He says that “bleeding power from a Dark Object is tricky” but if you know what it is, it makes it easier. Davina wants to drain the power of the White Oak Stake. If she can’t stop Mikael, she’ll stop the Stake from working. Koleb tells her she’s crazy. She tells him to tell her the spell. He says the problem isn’t the spell, it’s the Stake. Its too powerful. He says they can’t drain it. He says that they might be able to disable it, but only for a short time. She demands the car keys, says the bracelet may be usless now, but she made sure “months ago” that she’d be able to always know where Mikael is. He says its her funeral, but she’s still not driving his car.


Klaus finds a shovel, and breaks the handle off across his knee. Looking determined, he threatens Mikael because Mikael has hurt Cami. Mikael makes a dog joke, and says he’ll drain the rest of Cami’s blood right in front of Klaus as he burns from the White Oak Stake. Klaus launches at Mikael, and Koleb’s car tears past the front of the barn as Mikael and Klaus fight. Cami’s semi-conscious as the White Oak Stake gets closer and closer to piercing Klaus’s chest.


Koleb parks and Davina runs inside as Klaus and Mikael plow through a wall as they grapple. Koleb says that he and Davina need to work together, and stops her from charging in. She says that she’s strong enough on her own. He says she isn’t. He says the only way this will work is if they work together, and he needs to trust her. (Ummmm) He tells her to take his hands, take his power, and channel his magic into her spell.

Klaus seems to have the upper hand, and Cami gets to her feet. Klaus has the Stake, Mikael has Tunde’s blade which he threatens Cami with. As predicted, Klaus pauses. Mikael drives the White Oak Stake into Klaus’s chest.

Davina is chanting. The wind picks up around all of them.


Klaus stumbles back, Cami goes to go to him, and Mikael knocks her down. Mikael stands and watches (Cami on the floor watching) as Klaus begins to dessicate. He’s turning grey quickly.

Davina and Koleb are still holding hands, still chanting.

Everything is quiet (except for the whispers of the chanting). Cami lies, panting on the floor, looking at a very still Klaus. Mikael asks Klaus why he isn’t burning like he should be. Says that if Klaus was really dead, he’d be burning. He yells “Burn!” at Klaus.


Davina’s worried the spell is slipping. Koleb tells her to trust him, they can hold it, and they go back to chanting.

Mikael challenges Davina, asks if Klaus not burning is her doing. He yells for her to return the power to the White Oak Stake.

Meanwhile, Cami has crawled over to Klaus and starts pulling out the Stake.

Mikael lunges for Davina, she does the brain burn thing with her hand. Koleb releases Davina’s hands and challenges Mikael – and gets thrown across the room for his trouble. Still chanting, Davina faces Mikael. Then Mikael bites her.


Cami gets the Stake out.

Mikael turns from Davina – now collapsed on the floor – to Cami, demanding to know why she just did that. She threatens him with the White Oak Stake. And then Mikael mutters the line of the night, “You have a warrior’s heart, perhaps I’ll keep it as a souvenir.”  Right as Mikael lunges (lots of lunging in this episode) for Cami, Marcel swoops in and begins to fight him.


Just as Mikael gets the upper hand on Marcel, pointing Klaus’s shovel handle at him, Klaus gasps for air. And Hayley attacks Mikael from behind with a chain (bad ASS). Mikael staggers, Klaus, Hayley, Davina, and Marcel confront him. Klaus tells him he’s outnumbered, and asks if he’ll beg for his life. Mikael says that having people doesn’t make Klaus strong, it just shows how weak he really is. “Come find me, when you don’t have fools, women, and children fighting your battles,” Mikael says as he throws the shovel handle at them and whooshes away. Klaus looks worried.


Final commercial break ends, and Davina is tending to an injured Koleb who was “knocked arse over teacup by dear old Dad.” Marcel appears and scolds Davina like she’s a four-year-old. Marcel wants to know who Koleb is, and what he’s helping Davina do. Davina says that she just saved Klaus, he should be happy about that. (Cuz if Klaus dies, Marcel bites it too, as part of Klaus’s line.)


Marcel says that she wouldn’t have had to do that if she hadn’t brought Mikael back from The Other Side. Koleb interrupts their bickering, and says that they’re all friends here. Marcel tells Davina to stay put, he’s going to go “handle Klaus.” (I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE!)

Koleb tries to convince Davina that they need to leave, citing Klaus’s anger is stronger than any gratitude he might have toward her right now. Davina says she’s not afraid of Klaus, because she’s holding the White Oak Stake. (How the HELL did that happen?) Davina says she’s out to get even with Klaus, Koleb’s going to help her, and he’s right they do need to get out of here.


Klaus is tending to Cami’s neck wound and she puts her hand on his chest where the Stake was. He tells her she pulled it out just in time. Cami says that it was the least she could do, considering she was the one that convinced Klaus not to kill “that bastard the first chance you had.” (I think she’s given up on thinking there’s good in everyone – whatcha think?) Klaus says that Mikael hurt Cami, and for that alone he’d kill Mikael anyway. Klaus says that that was the first time he’d seen his father run. Hayley and Marcel say that they’ve checked everywhere, Mikael’s really gone. Klaus thanks them for helping, and Marcel counters that it was purely selfish of him.

Hayley says they have another problem to deal with right now, Elijah’s disappearance.


Elijah is on his knees, still chained, saying “no more.” Lenorsther says she’s just getting started. She’s going to leave him there, letting everything behind that red door wiggle its way out to haunt him. As he grows weaker, he’ll be stripped of his will, strength, and hope, and then he’ll reconsider her offer. Just then, Hayley attacks, biting Lenorsther. She says she should have gone for Lenorsther’s heart, but she would have just body-jumped. Hayley yanks on the chains, but they won’t budge. Elijah tells her that the doll on the wall is holding him there. Hayley yanks the doll down, and then sets Elijah free.


Hayley bites her own wrist, telling Elijah that he’s weak and needs to feed. He can’t feed from her, not given all he’s seen/remembered. “I crave you. My hunger, it could overwhelm me,” he says. She says she’s not afraid and offers her wrist again, and they have THE MOTHER OF ALL MAKE OUT SESSIONS right fricking there where he was being tormented not seconds before. She offers her neck, and he bites her.


Or not. Finncent waves his hand in front of Elijah’s face, and asks Lenorsther what she’s done to him. She says she’s letting him dream. She says she can’t lead him out of the darkness just by exposing him to memories he’d stored away, she’s letting him have a little hope so he’ll see what better world he could have, if he lets her purge him from his vampire body.

In Elijah’s dream (sad), Elijah stops feeding from Hayley and then bites her again.

Lenorsther says that by the time he wakes he “will know the only way to find peace is my way.”


The episode ends with a shot of Elijah still in chains, in dreamland, and Finn looking a little concerned that his mother’s lost her mind.

So, what do you think? Will Elijah make it out of this? Will he still be a vampire? And weren’t these some of the questions that we asked at the end of last week’s episode?  What about the alliance with the “free wolves” and the “banished vampires?” Do you think it will last? Hit us up in the comments!!